Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ricky Williams and Social Anxiety Disorder Essay - 1922 Words

Ricky Williams and Social Anxiety Disorder Introduction As regular people of society, we tend to put celebrities up on a pedestal and view them as a higher being. We often think that they have perfect lives, having everything they could ever need even though, this is not the case. There are many situations, problems and other situations that occur behind the scenes that we do not know about that these celebrities face every day. Some of our heroes who we think are perfect may actually suffer from psychiatric disorders. One of the best running backs to ever play the game of football goes by the name of Ricky Williams. He had a successful career at the University of Texas where he was a two-time-All-American. Williams also won the†¦show more content†¦his mother, and his other two siblings lived in a cramped apartment in San Diego. Due to their living conditions, the family moved northeast to the suburban area, La Mesa, California where Ricky and his family were sometimes the victims of racial slurs and jokes. In this area of California, Ricky felt too black for his white friends and too white for his black friends (Ricky Williams, 04). The alienation he felt from peers, caused Ricky to keep to himself most of the time and contributed to his shyness. In school, Ricky was a good student academically, but was seen a behavior problem due to his ability to control his anger. Peers and teachers considered him a bully and someone who liked to pick on smaller kids. Because of his behavior, Rickys mom had him transferred to another school. This change of environment proved to be the best move for Williams. His grades improved and he started to excel in sports. (Ricky Williams, 04) Rickys athletic ability led to him being recruited by the University of Texas to play college football. While there, Williams broke several records and won the Heisman Trophy. In 1999, Williams was selected as the fifth pick of the NFL Draft by the New Orleans Saints as its only draft pick, marking the first time that one player was chosen as the only draft pick of an NFL team. (Ricky Williams, 04) Ricky Williams later on had six children by three different women. In 2009 he married the last woman who gave birth to hisShow MoreRelatedThe Perks Of Being A Wallflower1056 Words   |  5 PagesSocial anxiety is a major concept in today s teens. With social anxiety being the third largest mental health problem in the U.S., it is no wonder (Richards). Social anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder that causes extreme fear in social settings. People with this disorder struggle with everyday communication, worrying that they are constantly being negatively judged, or that they will embarrass themselves in some way, shape, or form. In The Perks of being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, we meetRead MoreThe Differences Between Social Anxiety And Shyness1820 Words   |  8 PagesPeople confuse social anxiety with shyness but it s not the same. Social anxiety is a disorder in which you face the fear of int eracting with other people that brings on self consciousness, feeling about being judged and, as a result , lead to avoidance and other physical problems whereas Shyness is an emotion where you feel awkward and tense during social encounters most typically with unfamiliar people. This can affect those individuals who have social anxiety when society wants them to shakeRead MoreFeminine Mystique12173 Words   |  49 Pagesfortune they felt fragmented, almost as if they had no identity of their own. And it was not only college graduates. I ve tried everything women are supposed to do, one woman confessed to Friedan. Hobbies, gardening, pickling, canning, being very social with my neighbors, joining committees, running PTA teas. I can do it all, and I like it, but it doesn t leave you anything to think about — any feeling of who you are. ... I love the kids and Bob and my home. There s no problem you can even putRead MoreHindi Nibandh on Advantages of Mobile and Disadvantage177 90 Words   |  72 Pagesinto the human condition. In a society that is still largely unwilling to recognize Dalits as equal, rights-bearing human beings, in a society that is inherently indifferent to the everyday violence against Dalits, in a society unwilling to share social and cultural resources equitably with Dalits unless mandated by law (as seen in the anti-reservation discourse), Dalit literature has the potential to humanize non-Dalits and sensitise them to a world into which they have no insight. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Tragic Flaw Of Oedipus And Hamlet - 1829 Words

The tragic flaw of a human being is usually checked with the method he or she reacts with to the circumstances that life throws upon him or her. Contemporary society appears to be fixated on giving gatherings of people cases of such individuals who, in spite of the affliction of their lives, that still transcend. In fact, maybe nobody is more fit for indicating triumph over struggles than Sophocles and William Shakespeare. In both Oedipus and Hamlet, for example, the primary characters struggle with many obstacles and consequences and find themselves with unimaginable problems furthermore and are compelling to choose what the correct decision will be. This develops to Oedipus and Hamlet becoming motivated, courageous people and also becoming dishonest to themselves throughout the two books. Shakespeare and Sophocles’ plays show that sometimes when dealing with consequences and the obstacles there are different ways to react instead of leading to a tragedy. Oedipus and Hamletâ €™s motivation in dealing with problems is evident when the two primary characters want to find out the murderers of their father’s. Their courageous actions develop them towards having one goal, which was to kill the former King, and show courageous traits towards other people. They become dishonest to their themselves and is showed throughout the two books, which then causes misfortune for both of them in the end. Despite the resemblances of the two, Hamlet is in control of his activities, and he veryShow MoreRelatedHamlet vs. Oedipus Essay898 Words   |  4 PagesPrince Hamlet in Hamlet by William Shakespeare and Oedipus in Oedipus King by Sophocles In Aristotles literary discourse, Poetics, he discusses his theory of tragedy, wherein he introduces the concepts of tragic flaw or hamartia, which serves as the catalyst for the protagonists downfall or the tragedy of the story to happen. He determines a tragedy as a drama that brings about a sorrowful conclusion, arousing fear and pity in the audience (Roberts and Jacobs, 1998:1189). Tragic storiesRead MoreOedipus vs. Hamlet as Tragic Heroes1562 Words   |  7 PagesOedipus from the drama, â€Å"Oedipus the King† and Hamlet from, â€Å"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark† are two characters that are different, yet they both share the same title of being a tragic hero. Oedipus and Hamlet have many characteristics of a tragic hero that separates them in varieties. However, some of those characteristics show that both characters have and use similar thought processes and methods, which classify them as tragic heroes of their dramas. The five characteristics of a tragic hero ar e: nobilityRead More Comparing the Tragedies of Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman1023 Words   |  5 PagesComparing the Tragedies of Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman The tragedies Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman have strikingly different plots and characters; however, each play shares common elements in its resolution. The events in the plays’ closings derive from a tragic flaw possessed by the protagonist in each play. The downfall of each protagonist is caused by his inability to effectively cope with his tragic flaw. The various similarities in the closingRead More Tragedy In Drama Essay1713 Words   |  7 Pagesdramatic works from Agamemnon to Hamlet, one sees the range of development of the tragic form, from the earliest Greek to the later Shakespearean tragedies. There are two basic concepts of tragedy: the concept introduced by Aristotle in his Poetics, and the concept developed by Frederick Nietzsche in his quot;The Birth of Tragedy.quot; Many dramas can be reviewed to reveal the contrast between these two concepts of tragedy, and demonstrate the development of the tragic form over time. The idea ofRead MoreExamining the Tragic Protagonists of Oedipus Rex and Hamlet657 Words   |  3 Pagesfear on the part of the audience. Of all the characteristics of tragedy, one is most important: the tragic hero must be essentially admirable and good. In both the common tragedies, â€Å"Oedipus Rex† and â€Å"Hamlet†, both main characters are generally good. In either play, both Hamlet and Oedipus make a flaw that will cost them an extreme suffering, and in â€Å"Hamlet†, that concludes in many deaths. A tragic protagonist is usually one of noble authority, who upholds a position high in society. In a tragedyRead More William Shakespeares Hamlet and Sophocles Oedipus the King1362 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet and Sophocles Oedipus the King   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Though Shakespeares’ Hamlet and Sophocles’ Oedipus the King were written in two different eras, echoes of the latter can be found in the former. The common theme of Hamlet and Oedipus the King is regicide. Also, like in Oedipus the King, there is a direct relationship between the state of the state and the state of their kings. Furthermore, there is also a relationship between Oedipus’ armed entrance into the bedroom in whichRead MoreEssay on Oedipus and Hamlet1424 Words   |  6 PagesMariakakis Professor Mihailovic 5-14-01 Though Shakespeares Hamlet and Sophocles Oedipus the King were written in two different eras, echoes of the latter can be found in the former. The common theme of Hamlet and Oedipus the King is regicide. Also, like in Oedipus the King, there is a direct relationship between the state of the state and the state of their kings. Furthermore, there is also a relationship between Oedipus armed entrance into the bedroom in which Jocasta hanged herselfRead MoreThe Tragic Hero Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1599 Words   |  7 PagesRachel Conley Mr. David Rasnake English 1020 November 10, 2015 Paper 3~ Tragic Hero What is tragedy? What makes someone or something a tragic hero? A tragedy is â€Å"A serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior face and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion elicits the pity or terror† (Merriam-Webster). Tragedy can be a good or a bad thing in life. Also, depending on what the tragedy is, it should have a powerful impact on our lives. A tragedy can changeRead MoreHamlet Tragic Flaw Analysis1522 Words   |  7 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s Hamlet is considered one of the greatest tragedies ever written, and it has sparked a few controversial discussions amongst critics, the most intriguing topic being Hamlet’s ‘tragic flaw’. It was A.C. Bradley who popularised this concept of a ‘tragic flaw’ which was translated and based around Aristotle’s model of tragedy. He suggests that the reason Hamlet delayed the act of avenging his father’s murder was due to possessing a tragic flaw; the inability to act. Whereas, criticRead MoreTragic Hero1598 Words   |  7 PagesTragic Hero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A tragic hero is a protagonist with a tragic flaw, also known as fatal flaw, which eventually leads to his demise. The concept of the tragic hero was created in ancient Greek tragedy and defined by Aristotle. Usually, the realization of fatal flaw results in catharsis or epiphany. The tragic flaw is sometimes referred to as an Achilles heel after the single fatal flaw of the Greek warrior Achilles. [citation needed] Aristotelian tragic

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Yahoo! Internal Analysis Free Essays

string(84) " uncertain as the technology develops and new unforeseen advertising media emerges\." The Company When Yahoo! was founded in 1994 by Stanford Ph. D. students, David Filo and Jerry Yang, it began as their hobby and has evolved into a global brand that has changed the way people communicate with each other, find and access information, and make purchases. We will write a custom essay sample on Yahoo! Internal Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today, Yahoo! Inc. is the Internet’s leading global consumer and business Services Company, offering a comprehensive network of essential services for Web users around the globe as well as businesses of all sizes. As the first online navigational guide to the Web, Yahoo! www. yahoo. com) is the leader in traffic, advertising, household and business user reach. Yahoo! is also the most recognized and valuable Internet brand globally, reaching over 345 million unique users in 25 countries and 13 languages. The Only Place Anyone Needs To Go Find Anything, Communicate With Anyone, or Buy Anything Serving the world’s largest Web audience, Yahoo! remains focused on becoming increasingly essential to the lives of consumers. Starting with its comprehensive, hand-built directory as well as the popular My Yahoo! ervice, Yahoo! offers a broad and deep array of communications, commerce and content services in over 100 distinct properties that lead consumers to make Yahoo! their hom e on the Internet and wireless devices. Fitting the lifestyles of the mobile consumer, Yahoo! offers an increasing array of essential, personalized, localized and timely information on wireless devices, including wireless phones, two-way pagers and personal digital assistants. Committed to extending content and services beyond the desktop, Yahoo! as the largest global mobile audience and the greatest breadth of wireless products and services of any Web content provider. Becoming Increasingly Essential to Businesses Enterprises Worldwide As the No. 1 Internet network on corporate desktops, surpassing a 70 percent reach in the U. S. workplace, Yahoo! also offers a range of services for businesses and enterprises of all sizes. Corporate Yahoo! is an information portal solution that enables companies to communicate and interact directly with their employees, customers and shareholders over a secure and scalable platform. Yahoo! Broadcast Services is the leading provider of Internet audio and video streaming solutions for corporate and consumer communications, delivering thousands of live and on-demand, corporate events including: product launches, marketing programs, training/distance learning, keynote addresses, annual shareholder meetings, and quarterly earnings calls. Yahoo! ‘s Small Business services enable small businesses and professionals to establish and grow a business presence with services such as Yahoo! Domains, Yahoo! Website Services, Yahoo! Servers and Yahoo! Store. An industry leader in online advertising, Yahoo! ffers an integrated set of marketing services through Yahoo! Fusion Marketing that unite Yahoo! ‘s media, e-commerce, direct marketing, broadcast, and communication tools to allow clients to find any audience, connect with anyone, and sell anything. Yahoo! ‘s data driven services provide unparalleled targeting and measurement capabilities far beyond banners, clicks , and conversions. Customized to integrate clients’ traditional marketing programs online, Yahoo! Fusion Marketing programs generate greater customer acquisition and retention, extended brand value, and increased sales in today’s global marketplace. SWOT Analysis The external environment includes all the factors outside the organization which provide opportunities or pose threats to the organization. The internal environment refers to all the factors within an organization which impart strengths or cause weakness of a strategic nature . The environment in which an organization exists can be, therefore defined as the opportunities and threats operating in the external environment apart from the strengths and weakness existing in the internal environment. A systematic approach to understand the environment of Yahoo is the SWOT analysis. Internal Factor Analysis (IFA) of the Yahoo Corporation Strengths The strength is an inherent capacity which an organization uses to gain a strategic and competitive advantage. The strengths of Yahoo Corporation are: * Yahoo! ‘s Overture is a tremendously profitable Internet advertising business. It focuses on affiliate advertising for large advertising accounts, in the same way as Google’s Adsense programme. This is an important income stream for Yahoo!. * Yahoo! has over 500 million users of its services and solutions. This makes it a very powerful marketing company, with a very well known brand. Some reports indicate that it is the most popular website in the World. A key long-term strength is Yahoo! ‘s international business presence. As the Internet expands and it is adopted by more nations the opportunities for Internet brands begin to emerge. Yahoo! is well placed to take advantage of these opportunities with its strategic business units in Asia, Europe and Australia. * The Yahoo! Directory is an original source of structured information. It has built over the last decade, and unlike mainstream search engines, its content is moderated (i. e. sites are vetted before their inclusion). Weaknesses: A weakness is an inherent limitation or constraint which creates strategic disadvantages for the company. It is overdependence on a single product line, which is potentially risky. The weaknesses of Yahoo are: * As per Jan 2012 data, a survey says yahoo’s market share in search engine is only 6% * Google already has more than 50% market share and the immediate competitors are Baidu which has same 6% and bing has 4% in search engine * Google being the leading the service provider on the internet , is grabbing the revenues from advertisements * Most of the services provided by Yahoo are unknown in the internet space. * Yahoo is ranked 5th in visitors among video sites. YouTube was first owned by Google. There has been near about 3 % slump per year in Yahoo’s image search. * Google search results produce double revenues as compared to Yahoo. * Yahoo is losing its market share in mailing services very gradually due to Google’s strong presence in search engine market and it related product portfolio complementing to search engine services * For Yahoo, differentiation is difficult. Almost all of its services are available from other sources such as Mail services, news, shopping, financial data and business directory services are provided by many others like MSN, CNN, e-bay, Money control etc. The future of Yahoo is uncertain as the technology develops and new unforeseen advertising media emerges. You read "Yahoo! Internal Analysis" in category "Papers" * Financial health of the company is not so promising for the investors. The company’s assets both in terms of intangible and tangible are on the declining side. Matching analysis Match the external factors against th e internal factors of YAHOO! Opportunities| Threats| * Internet video advertising spending expected to increase by 82% to $610 million by 2009. * Yahoo! Inc has purchased Flickr. * Broadband expansion. * Yahoo! as a strong and talented employee base. * Yahoo! has penetrated markets that are still untouched by competitors. | * Google commands about 50% of all online searches and Yahoo! has only 24% according to Neilson/NetRating. * Consumer attitudes towards online advertising may become more negative. * Increasing strength of competitors. * Social websites such as MySpace and Facebook are now breaking into the online advertising market. * Google is surpassing Yahoo! in revenues. | Strengths| Weaknesses| * Yahoo! Inc. has beaten Google in the mobile market. * Yahoo! Inc. has many more auxiliary products compared to the competition. * Yahoo! Inc. has strong brand recognition. * Partnerships with MLB, VISA and NFL. * Access is available to anyone with internet access. | * Yahoo! is ranked 5th in visitors among video sites. YouTube which is owned by Google is ranked 1st. * Yahoo! image search has been declining 3% per year. * Google search results generate twice as much revenue as Yahoo!. * Advertising revenues are falling due to Google and other competitors in the market. | Alternative strategies or Recommendations It is clear that the Yahoo Corporation has faced some major challenges in staying on top of the Internet market. It is suggested that the corporation should continue to grow its customer base. The corporation can grow its customer base by successfully capturing the international market. In addition, Yahoo can enlarge its target customer statistics by including customers outside the age group of 18-34 like people of above 55 years. Yahoo has to distinguish itself from the rest of its competitors in the Internet market in order to successfully accomplish these objectives. The alternative strategy that the Yahoo Corporation can adopt is: Capturing the international market: In capturing the international market, Yahoo has been comparatively unsuccessful. Though, Yahoo provides its services in a variety of languages but it has been unable to contend with national companies of other countries. For example, in China, Yahoo holds less than 5% of the total Chinese market share. The majority of the China market is dominated by Chinese search engine known as Baidu. com. In August 2005, Google, the American rival has captured a significant portion i. . approximately 33% of the Chinese market. Moreover, near about 71. 3% of the overall international market has been captured by Google. Some of this percentage was grabbed from Yahoo. Yahoo must ensure that internet access is available to its target market in order to strategically grow its customer base. If the target market does not have the means or ability to access services, Yahoo will not be successful. It is important for Yahoo Corporation to capture international customers during the exposure to the Internet. This can create a comfort-zone for its new users. Yahoo also, should become familiar with the likes, dislikes, habits and other characteristics of each niche of the international market. The company should use appropriate marketing channels to create the demand in international market. The marketing techniques like sales promotion, advertising, publicity, etc. will work more effectively to capture international market. Expanding the target market: To become successful, it is important for the Yahoo Corporation to expand its target market. It is important that Yahoo tries to capture those who are its first-time Internet users. Through partnerships with telecommunications providers and cable companies, Yahoo should work to become a primary part of a new Internet service package. Yahoo can successfully get new web users to begin their Internet use. The users use the internet because it allows them to communicate with their friends and family members who are separated geographically. Furthermore, people like the Internet because it allows them to find information and items that they can’t find elsewhere. With this demographic, travel, leisure and financial information tend to be popular. Yahoo should promote its different offerings in publications and media to achieve the best reach and to focus on the particular areas. Yahoo should publicize itself as a source of health information as well as a site that provides travel information for those who plan for retirement. Yahoo should portray itself as a portal of information. Differentiation: To remain competitive, Yahoo should adopt and initiate new projects. The company should begin as a search engine and expand its offerings by including finance, personals and hot Jobs and other activities. For example, Yahoo has realized that the potential users of Yahoo music consequently acquire a significant share of the online music industry. The ability to differentiate itself from its competitors is the main reason for the success of Yahoo. To promote new products, Yahoo is able to take advantage of its brand equity and its large user base. Yahoo should not limit itself to fixed media sites. Yahoo should attempt to commence a multimedia Internet project called runner. This video-intensive and web-based reality TV project will focus on a fugitive crisscrossing the country. Yahoo Corporation should also expand its Internet-based market to compete against traditional media. Conclusion Thus, it is concluded that in the dynamic Internet market, Yahoo is a strong and relatively established company. Its core competence includes focus on young adult users, regularly improving fixed web sites, driving advertising revenue and encouraging employees to be practical. All this points have been a formula for its success. Yahoo must apply aggressive strategies and maintain healthy financial statement to remain competitive. It is important that Yahoo carefully review all these strategies and examine the timing of its initiatives. The company can achieve its target and growth by hiring competent managers and experienced consultants as well as by remaining focused on its core competencies. By maintaining the strategies, Yahoo will be able to position itself to become a leader in the race for multimedia domination. An understanding of the external environment in terms of opportunities and threats and the internal environment in term of strengths and weaknesses is important for the existence, growth and profitability of Yahoo Corporation. How to cite Yahoo! Internal Analysis, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Tree Planting Project free essay sample

Dissemination Plan will be developed by staff to guarantee the systematic collection of information about the operation of the project and provide the basis for sharing information with other similar projects. Staff/ Administration The Project will employ three full-time and three part time staff. Project Coodinator (full time, paid)- Responsible for hiring project staff, overseeing project evelopment and operation, establishing and maintaining links with local Responsible for establishing the community Center, developing working relationships with formal and informal community leaders, establishing links to community youth organizations, and scheduling of project activities. 0 Volunteer Coordinator (full time, unpaid) Responsible for recruiting youth volunteers, establishing and maintaining training programs for volunteers, scheduling volunteers for service at the project area. The Volunteer Coordinator will have a background in forestry. 0 Project Evaluator (part time, paid) Responsible for collecting entry level (baseline) data regarding youth I. G. A information and conducting periodic assessment of changes in their level of knowledge, comprehension, and application of that information. We will write a custom essay sample on Tree Planting Project or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also responsible for developing and implementing a system for periodic formative evaluation of the work of the volunteers. The successful implementation and expansion of this project is expected to create a state of self reliability and enable beneficiaries know in details, the importance of through community participation. The majority of the population will adhere to improve household income, acquire basic needs and have livelihood improved in the community due to this project.

Friday, November 29, 2019

An Online Degree for the Older Population Essay Example

An Online Degree for the Older Population Essay Example An Online Degree for the Older Population Essay An Online Degree for the Older Population Essay Online Degree We are living longer lives; modern medicine and our ability to care for ourselves more appropriately has extended our life spans so that we often have years ahead of us following retirement – a time that we can use to travel, spend time with loved ones, and follow those dreams that may have eluded us during the time in which we had a career and raised a family. One of the dreams that many people may have had to forgo – especially women of the older generation – is that of a college education. But now, with technology being what it is, people of all generations are able to live the dream again and earn an online degree. The Internet has insured that no longer is it necessary to drive to a campus in order to attend college classes. Instead, those who are able to find their way around a computer are able to sign up for the classes that they need to earn an online degree. By attending classes online, students are able to do their reading, complete their assignments, and turn in the work necessary to earn them credits toward a degree, including an online MBA if they so choose. For the older generation, the pursuit of an online degree means that they can achieve their dreams without forfeiting their time with their families, and without having to find their way around a college campus with students less than half their age. Rather, by taking advantage of the tools available to them, online degree candidates can make the most of their time.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies Essay Essays

Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies Essay Essays Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies Essay Paper Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies Essay Paper Based off of this reading. it can be assumed that the conditions in the Indies during the clip this text was written were non humanist whatsoever. The actions of the Spaniards were really much barbaric. and wholly belie the faith which the Spaniards were seeking so urgently to enforce upon the indigens of the Indies. Without holding to travel into item. it is said by Bartoleme in the missive that the Spaniards would handle the people of the Indies as wild animals. cowss. or animate beings. But he so goes back on this statement stating that in fact they treated them less than farm animal. because they at least took attention of the farm animal. This is a good illustration of how barbarically the Spaniards ruled over the Natives. There was no regard for the Natives. even though they were described as peaceable. inactive. sort. and as overall nice human existences. Yet in the eyes of the Spaniards. the same people were seen as savages and barbarians. What makes the state of affairs even more disturbing is that the Spaniards used the name of God to warrant their ruthless actions. They saw it as their Godhead right to take over the Natives. Fortunately. there were people like Bartoleme that spoke out against these barbarous Acts of the Apostless. He wrote the missive depicting all the Acts of the Apostless of inhumaneness towards the Natives to the King and Queen of Spain in order to make regulations and ordinances that would modulate the actions of the Spaniards in the Indies. This alone was a significant act of humanity. The lone ironical portion is that he suggests that the Spanish usage African people alternatively of utilizing the Natives of the Indies for labour. Unfortunately at the clip. there were still aggregate sums of racism. even amongst the most baronial of work forces. Work force such as Bartoleme who spoke out against barbarous Acts of the Apostless were still capable to their ain racialist jokes. Although this wasn’t really out-of-the-ordinary at the clip. in today’s universe it’s ugly however. It’s a really hypocritical suggestion that he had for the King and Queen. and for that. would lose all recognition for anything positive that happened to the Natives after his thoughts were reinforced.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paper on the Glass Castle, for communications class Essay

Paper on the Glass Castle, for communications class - Essay Example The author has made use of an autobiographical approach to reach out to the readers. As per my reading transition of the story, I noticed that the tone of the author is quiet straight, clear and less emotional. This means that it is entirely up to the reader to decide regarding the occurrence of the incidents that Walls family had undergone. The main purpose of the author to select such a tone in the book is to send out the message to readers regarding communication imperativeness in a family setting. It would not be incorrect to state that the author has been successful in this regard (Dunn). It should be noted that the author seemed to be a communication specialist as she has provided real-life instances and the experiences of the author with her family. As noted by Daniel Dunn in his book Communication that interpersonal communication often fails between the individuals because of the semantic errors (Dunn). Similar instances have been found in the book where author has experienced a closure to the communication with her parents because they did not understand her meanings behind subjects (Walls 129). Also to note is the fact that Danielle Dunn mentioned in his research that sometimes people have their perception settled in a firm manner which causes the communication gap. A person might talk convincingly but he will continue to fail to make a difference through his or her communication because of the perception being firm. The perception can be neutral, negative or positive with an effective, disconnected or balanced impact respectively. Similar instance can be noted in the book The Glass Castle where the author notes that sometimes she even felt helpless in elaborating her plans to the parents despite their increased level of education. This was merely because the perception that failed their interpersonal communication. In addition, non-verbal communication has a stronger impact on the receiver. In the case of Wall family it can be said that this was

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ethics, Moral dilemmas, and the Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics, Moral dilemmas, and the Law - Assignment Example dilemma of freedom versus control, telling the truth versus deception, the distribution of resources dilemma, plus the application of empirical knowledge versus personal beliefs (Guido, 2010). In applying any of these, nurses should do so to protect the lives of their patients and discharge their duties in an ethical manner. (Koutoukidis, et al., 2013)Â  states that understanding the law is a crucial integral of the nursing education. This is because there are legal issues that create a dilemma to the nursing fraternity. Nurses are faced with the problem of choosing to attend to their patients who could have been hurt in a crime and reporting them to the police. They also face the risk of the likelihood of breaking the law in the event of their working. They are required to honour their civil contract of service regardless of the situation. If they contravene any of these laws, a nurse risks being prosecuted. Moral dilemma in nursing arises when a number of morally conflicting issues arise. A nurse who has respect for life and values its sanctity will have difficulties in termination an unwanted pregnancy, whether it is likely going to save the mother’s life or not. The nurse understands of the psychological torment or pain that the mother is likely to be going through, yet she cannot do what she considers to be morally bad. Such a nurse knows what morally is right, but institutional constrains render it impossible for her to institute the right thing (Fitzpatrick & Kazer,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Java technology related to this tool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Java technology related to this tool - Essay Example Besides, java is advantageous because it is more secure. Unlike other programming languages such as C++, java has a highly protected interpreter, compiler, compatible browser and runtime environment. This is a good idea since it helps it to ensure that the safety of all records is taken into account. Thus, any data stored in the system can not be compromised whatsoever. In other words, it is very secure software which can be entrusted with the bank and the clients’ records at all times. Last, but by no means the least, java programming language can be useful in the designing and maintenance of the money tracker because of its simplicity. It has got several features that make it to be easier to operate. These include a small number of language constructs, garbage collections and an automatic memory allocation. At the same time, it is equipped with a very clear syntax. These actually make it easier to operate by the programmer, bank’s management and individual

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Popular Poet William Cullen Bryant

The Popular Poet William Cullen Bryant William Cullen Bryant is one of the most popular poets of the nineteenth century. He has attended most of the public occasions with a kind of poetry that reached all levels of society. He is a poet whose consistencies have overcome his contradictions. Due to the poet hard efforts in the hardest period of his life he was able to publish more than thirty four poems. He used the best and most pure language. He also used a clear theme in his poetry. Even though his poetry may at sometimes appear complex, and controversial, the poet presented every piece of it in an interesting easily understood way. Bryants confidence was a major aspect that led him to his creativity. The poet accomplished his success in poetry through his heart and experience. To really understand any of Bryants poetry we need to use our sense of imagination, seek, select, and carefully examine every piece of it individually. His poetry should be real for its meaning, and beauty without those furtive glances. (Mclean 74 ). When discussing any of Bryants poetry in any school, we will notice his seriousness, morality, and simplicity in all of his poems. Two of the most popular poems of William Cullen Bryant are the Yellow Violet, and Thanatopsis. These two poems if compared will show the unique style and technique Bryant used throughout his poetry. There is a unique pattern of comparison between the poems that can be explained in several ways. Bryant has added a great amount of thought which gave his poem the Thanatopsis its complexity and depth. The poet himself admits that a work of this kind cant be repeated. As much as there are thoughts that constantly attempted to change the idea of the poem, they all failed due to the strengths in the phrases that are strictly aimed at one purpose and one direction. What makes the Thanatopsis style unique is that nature supports its beauty to the graves of humans. When you look closely at the poem, you will notice that the poem suggests death is lonely. The phrase The Two Graves, (Matthew 22) explains the important need and desirability of privacy in death. A piece of poetry like the Thanatopsis has a unique strong emotional power. In the Thanatopsis, Bryant is very sensitive and close to nature. He considered death to be a very important element of nature. What Bryant here realized and beautifully put in words has enlightened his viewers to the simple truth about life. Bryant in this poem is emphasizing that death is not a negative thing, but a comfort of fait. What I find interesting in this poem is that it comforts others on the death of your future. This poem simply offers a simple comforting view of death and comfort for the living. Another intersecting point in this poem is that humans live in nature although each part of them as individuals is gone. He is saying that dont be scared to be a part of nature because you are going to join others who already became a part of it long before you. In the Thanatopsis you will find comfort and inspiration; comfort in death and the reality of it; and inspiration to all his viewers to understand and appreciate the presence of nature. Another important point about the Thanatopsis is that its an easy transition piece between deism and romanticism. Its clear in this poem that Bryant depended heavily on the New England nature, and unstable environment which all give his poetry its rationality. The language and style in the poem gave it its simplicity and easiness. Its clear that the approach of this poem is the problem of death. The poet also makes it clear that not only there are many persons from the past to share the experience of death because death is the fate of men everywhere in the present and even future generations. The poet also says that humans dont accept the nature of death because they know that they are going to lose their dignity being under the ground. The nature clarifies for those men that the men before them are all of the kings, the wise, and the good. So no matter how much dignity you have, or beauty; all these nature forms lend this dignity and beauty to the grave. Its the intellectual content and strong clear language that gave the poem its strong meaning. He also emphasizes that you should live your life the way you want, and never get affected by others thoughts about how you should live. Too many times we are afraid to be different. For any human to live without regret, they have to live their lives to the fullest while they still can. Here he means to not be afraid to do anything that we always wanted to do. He is also saying that since we are going to become dirt again, no one has the right to tell us how to live our lives. The beautiful way that the poet describes death gives the living and the dying much comfort in the process. Bryant is also saying that no one will ever be alone; so its easier to let someone go in this case. Another beautiful aspect about Bryants poetry is that it provides comfort to all humans no matter what their religious beliefs are. Bryant also is saying that death is a living but in another way which is nature and how you become a part of it. One of the poets best works is the yellow violet. The yellow violet principles are moral sense, beauty, and truth, also taste. In this poem, the nature talks to the humans who she loves who are familiar with it. When those humans are satisfied, the nature speaks in a beautiful sound, with a big smile. The nature cheers its people up. The poet here is advising you that if you think of death and its scary images go outside and enjoy the blessings of nature. Bryant here is also telling his reader that after we die, we will not be able to see the sun or the ocean anymore because the earth will eventually take all humans in to their original form. The nature and its existence are beautiful. Its clear in this poem that humans the nature for their following generations. Its said that this poem is filled with pleasurable sadness. Its a way to worn a man from any pride. The yellow violet is best explained as a description of a man rambling through a sensory laden wood. The best way to really explain and clarify the poem is that to divide it into three different sections that would make it easier to understand. First the man goes into the wood, then sees the violet, and finally gets the simple beauty of the violet and then applies all that to him and all humanity. Bryant continues to braise the violet while comparing its down to earth soul and nature to other flowers. Bryant also uses a vital imagery language easily captures us. A certain narrow and overly simplistic view of human nature that excludes a more candid, introspective, ironic, and a self critical view of humanity. (24). another important aspect is that Bryant attempt to be someone better than he was, better than those people who walk through nature. The poem suggests that he better look do wn at the people beneath him because all humans are the same in the sense that they are going to become a part of the nature. When you read the poem for the first time, you will notice the beautiful use of imagination to color and erase the danger and discomfort of death. Bryant also explains that death is a great representation to the end of any humans individual status, and any other qualities that the human race created for themselves. In the yellow violet its also clear that Bryant was a good observer of nature. Bryant was a poet who was able to link the nature of life, and the nature of nature in a simple easy language. If you read his poetry and understand it, you will notice the explosion of beautiful deep meanings that are directly linked to reality. Bryant in his clever ways describes how humanity will always change, but nature will stay the same; and how humans are a major part of the nature. The poet also points out that its the poorest, less known, and invisible; people in your surroundings are the ones who cheer you up. They will never let you down. So those who become rich, and work very hard on doing so forget that at the end they are the same as those poor ones. The wonders of nature here always repeat themselves. Bryant in this poem makes very important points about life. He clearly demonstrates that while life styles and cultures change, and die away, nature will remain the same. In conclusion, for anyone to really understand the beauty and depth of Bryants work, they have to understand who he was and his origin as a human. If you hate the fact of death, you have no choice but to accept it. At one point if not know your life, you will understand the strength Bryant goes through when he wrote this piece of art.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay On Evolution -- essays research papers

Essay on Evolution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many mechanisms that lead to evolutionary change. One of the most important mechanism in evolution is natural selection which is the differential success in the reproduction of different phenotypes resulting from the interaction of organisms with their environment. Natural selection occurs when a environment makes a individual adapt to that certain environment by variations that arise by mutation and genetic recombination. Also it favors certain traits in a individual than other traits so that these favored traits will be presented in the next generation. Another mechanism of evolution is genetic drift. Genetic drift is a random change in a small gene pool due to sampling errors in propagation of alleles or chance. Genetic drift depends greatly on the size of the gene pool. If the gene pool is large, the better it will represent the gene pool of the previous generation. If it is small, its gene pool may not be accurately represented in the next generation due to sampling error. Genetic drift usually occurs in small populations that contain less than 100 individuals, but in large populations drift may have no significant effect on the population. Another mechanism is gene flow which is when a population may gain or lose alleles by the migration of fertile individuals between populations. This may cause the allele frequencies in a gene pool to change and allow the organism to evolve. The most obvious mechanism would ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Twelve

DIMITRI AND I BOTH FROZE as the shock of that name hit us. Sydney, glancing between our faces, gave us a dry smile. â€Å"I take it you know who that is?' â€Å"Of course,' I exclaimed. â€Å"She was my teacher. She went crazy and turned Strigoi.' Sydney nodded. â€Å"I know.' My eyes widened further. â€Å"Shes not †¦ she's not the one who had an affair with Lissa's dad, is she?' Oh dear God. That would be one of the most unexpected developments in the rollercoaster that was my life. I couldn't even begin to process the effects of that. â€Å"Not likely,' she said. â€Å"The account was opened several years before she was added as the beneficiary–which was right when she turned eighteen. So, if we're assuming the account was created around the time the baby was born, then she would have been way too young. Sonya's probably a relative.' My earlier astonishment was giving way to excitement, and I could see the same thing happening to Dimitri. â€Å"You must have records about her family,' he said. â€Å"Or if not, some Moroi probably does. Who's close to Sonya? Does she have a sister?' Sydney shook her head. â€Å"No. That'd be an obvious choice, though. Unfortunately, she has other family–tons of it. Her parents both came from giant families, so she has lots of cousins. Even some of her aunts are the right age.' â€Å"We can look them up, right?' I asked. A thrill of anticipation was running through me. I honestly hadn't expected this much information. True, it was small, but it was something. If Sonya Karp was related to Eric's mistress, that had to be something we could track. â€Å"There's a lot of them.' Sydney shrugged. â€Å"I mean, yeah, we could. It'd take a long time to find everyone's life history, and even then–especially if this was covered up enough–we'd have a hard time finding out if any of them is the woman we're looking for. Or even if any of them know who she is.' Dimitri's voice was low and thoughtful when he spoke. â€Å"One person knows who Jane Doe is.' Sydney and I both looked at him expectantly. â€Å"Sonya Karp,' he replied. I threw up my hands. â€Å"Yeah, but we can't talk to her. She's a lost cause. Mikhail Tanner spent over a year hunting her and couldn't find her. If he can't, then we're not going to be able to.' Dimitri turned away from me and stared out the window. His brown eyes filled with sorrow, his thoughts momentarily far away from us. I didn't entirely understand what was happening, but that peaceful moment in the library–where Dimitri had smiled and shared in the daydream of an ordinary life–had vanished. And not just the moment. That Dimitri had vanished. He was back in his fierce mode, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders again. At last, he sighed and looked back at me. â€Å"That's because Mikhail didn't have the right connections.' â€Å"Mikhail was her boyfriend,' I pointed out. â€Å"He had more connections than anyone else.' Dimitri didn't acknowledge my comment. Instead, he grew pensive again. I could see turmoil behind his eyes, some inner war. At last, it must have been decided. â€Å"Does your phone have reception out here?' he asked her. She nodded, reaching into her purse and handing him her phone. He held it a moment, looking like it caused him total agony to touch it. At last, with another sigh, he stood up and headed for the door. Sydney and I exchanged questioning looks and then both followed him. She lagged behind me, having to toss cash on the table and grab her laptop. I emerged outside just as Dimitri finished dialing a number and put the phone to his ear. Sydney joined us, and a moment later, the person on the other end of the line must have answered. â€Å"Boris?' asked Dimitri. That was all I understood because the rest was a string of rapid Russian. A strange sensation spread over me as he spoke. I was confused, lost because of the language †¦ but there was more than that. I felt chilled. My pulse raced with fear. That voice †¦ I knew that voice. It was his voice and yet not his voice. It was the voice of my nightmares, a voice of coldness and cruelty. Dimitri was playing Strigoi. Well, â€Å"playing' was really too gentle of a word. Pretending was a better way to describe it. Whatever it was, it was pretty damned convincing. Beside me, Sydney frowned, but I didn't think she was experiencing what I was. She had never known him as Strigoi. She didn't have those horrible memories. His change in demeanor had to be obvious, but as I glanced at her face, I realized she was focused on following the conversation. I'd forgotten she knew Russian. â€Å"What's he saying?' I whispered. Her frowned deepened, either from the conversation or me distracting her. â€Å"He †¦ he sounds like he's talking to someone he hasn't spoken to in a while. Dimitri's accusing this person of slacking off while he's been away.' She fell silent, continuing her own mental translation. At one point, Dimitri's voice rose in anger, and both Sydney and I flinched. I turned to her questioningly. â€Å"He's mad about having his authority questioned. I can't tell, but now †¦ it sounds like the other person's groveling.' I wanted to know every word, but it had to be hard for her to translate to me and listen at the same time. Dimitri's voice returned to normal levels–though still filled with that terrible menace–and among the flurry of words, I heard â€Å"Sonya Karp' and â€Å"Montana.' â€Å"He's asking about Ms. Kar–Sonya?' I murmured. She hadn't been my teacher for a long time. I might as well call her Sonya now. â€Å"Yeah,' said Sydney, eyes still on Dimitri. â€Å"He's asking–er, telling–this person to locate someone else and see if he can find Sonya. This person †¦' She paused to listen again. â€Å"This person he's asking about sounds like he knows a lot of people in the area she was last seen in.' I knew â€Å"people' in this context meant â€Å"Strigoi.' Dimitri had risen quickly in their ranks, asserting his will and power over others. Most Strigoi operated solo, rarely working in groups, but even the lone ones recognized threats and more dominant Strigoi. Dimitri was working his contacts, just as he'd said earlier. If any Strigoi had heard about his transformation–and believed it–they wouldn't have been able to pass the news quickly, not with their disorganization. As it was, Dimitri was already having to play leapfrog to find sources who knew other sources who might know Sonya's location. Dimitri grew loud and angry again, his voice becoming–if possible–more sinister. I suddenly felt trapped, and even Sydney looked scared now. She swallowed. â€Å"He's telling this guy that if he doesn't get answers by tomorrow night, Dimitri's going to find him and rip him apart and †¦' Sydney didn't bother finishing. Her eyes were wide. â€Å"Use your imagination. It's pretty terrible.' I decided then that I was kind of glad I hadn't heard all of the conversation in English. When Dimitri finished the call and returned Sydney's phone, that mask of malice melted from his face. Once again, he was my Dimitri, Dimitri the dhampir. Dejection and despair radiated off him, and he slumped against the cafe's wall, staring upward into the sky. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to calm himself, seize control of the emotions that had to be warring within him. He'd just done something that might give us clues we needed †¦ but it had been at a terrible cost to himself. My fingers twitched. I wanted to put a comforting arm around him or at least pat his shoulder so he'd know he wasn't alone. But, I held back, suspecting he wouldn't like it. At last, he turned his gaze back to us. He'd regained his control–at least on the outside. â€Å"I've sent someone to ask about her,' he said wearily. â€Å"It might not work out. Strigoi are hardly the type to keep a database. But they do occasionally keep an eye on one another, if only for their own self-preservation. We'll find out soon if there are any hits.' â€Å"I †¦ wow. Thank you,'I said, fumbling at the words. I knew he needed no thanks, but it felt necessary to me. He nodded. â€Å"We should get back to the Keepers †¦ unless you think this is a safe place to stay?' â€Å"I'd rather stay off civilized radar,' said Sydney, moving toward the truck. â€Å"Besides, I want my car keys back.' The ride back felt ten times longer. Dimitri's mood filled up the whole cabin, almost suffocating us with its despair. Even Sydney could feel it. She'd let him drive again, and I couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing. Would the road distract him from his Strigoi torment? Or would his agony distract him from the road and put us off in a ditch? Fortunately, we made it back safe and sound and found two of the Keepers waiting for us in the lot, a Moroi woman and a human guy who both looked fierce. I still couldn't shake the strangeness of both races being battle-ready. I wondered if these two were a couple. Back in the camp, we found the communal bonfire ablaze and people sitting out around it, some eating and some just socializing. I'd learned at breakfast that the fire was always there for those who wanted to bond but that plenty of families kept to their own households as well. We went back to Raymond's house, but only Sarah and Joshua were there. She was cleaning up dishes, and he sat restlessly in a chair. As soon as he caught sight of me at the door, he sprang up, radiant smile on high-beam again. â€Å"Rose! You're back. We were starting to worry †¦ I mean, not that anything had happened to you–not with your skills–but that maybe you'd just left us.' â€Å"Not without our car,' said Sydney, placing the truck keys on the table. The CR-Vs were sitting there already, and relief flooded her face as she snatched them up. Sarah offered us leftovers, which we declined, having stocked up on snack food at Rubysville's gas station. â€Å"Well,' she said, â€Å"if you're not going to eat, you might as well join the others out at the fire. Jess McHale might sing tonight if they can get her to drink enough, and drunk or sober, that woman has the finest voice I've ever heard.' I briefly met Dimitri and Sydney's eyes. I admit, I was a little curious to see how this wilderness group partied it up, even though moonshine and folk songs weren't really my first choice of entertainment. Dimitri still wore that haunted look from the phone call. I had a suspicion he would have been content to isolate himself in our room, but when Sydney said she'd go to the fire, his response came automatically: â€Å"I'll go too.' I knew instantly what he was doing. His Strigoi days tormented him. Talking to Strigoi tormented him. And maybe–no, certainly–he wanted to hide away and try to block it all out, but he was Dimitri. Dimitri protected those who needed it, and even if listening to fireside songs wasn't exactly life-threatening, it was still a semi-dangerous situation for a civilian like Sydney. He couldn't allow that. Plus, he knew Sydney would feel safer with both of us nearby. I started to say I'd join them, but Joshua spoke before I could. â€Å"Do you still want to see my cave? There's a little light left outside. You'll get a better view that way than if we have to use a torch.' I'd forgotten about my last conversation with Joshua and started to decline his offer. But then, something flashed in Dimitri's eyes, something disapproving. So. He didn't want me going off with some young, good-looking guy. Was it legitimate concern about the Keepers? Was it jealousy? No, surely not the latter. We'd established–many, many times–that Dimitri wanted no romantic connection with me. He'd even stood up for Adrian earlier. Was this some kind of ex-boyfriend thing? Back in Rubysville, I'd believed Dimitri and I could be friends, but that wouldn't happen if he thought he could control me and my love life. I'd known girls with exes like that. I wouldn't be one. I could hang out with whomever I wanted. â€Å"Sure,' I said. Dimitri's expression darkened. â€Å"I'd love to.' Joshua and I headed off, leaving the others behind. I knew part of my decision was to prove my independence. Dimitri had said we were equals, yet he'd made an awful lot of decisions in this escape plan without me. It was nice to feel like I had the upper hand for a change, and besides, I liked Joshua and was kind of curious to learn more about how his people lived. I don't think Sydney wanted me to leave, but Dimitri would look after her. As Joshua and I walked, we passed plenty of Keepers out and about. Just like earlier, I received a fair amount of stares. Rather than lead us down the road to where his father lived, Joshua took me around the small mountain. It was still good-sized, but after living near the Rockies, everything in the Appalachians seemed â€Å"small' to me. I guess I was a mountain snob. Still, the mountain extended quite a ways, and we moved farther and farther from the Keepers' main settlement. The forest grew thicker, the light growing scarce as the sun finally began sinking into the horizon. â€Å"I'm kind of on the outskirts,' Joshua said apologetically. â€Å"We keep growing and growing, and there's not much room in the town's center.' I thought â€Å"town' was an optimistic term but didn't say so. Yeah. I was definitely a snob. â€Å"But the caves keep going, so there's still space.' â€Å"Are they natural?' I asked. â€Å"Some are. Some are abandoned mining caves.' â€Å"It's pretty out here,' I said. I liked all the deciduous trees. I might be homesick for Montana, but the wide leaves here were a neat contrast to pine needles. â€Å"And hey, at least you get lots of privacy, right?' â€Å"True.' He smiled. â€Å"I figured you'd think it was †¦ I don't know. Too rustic. Or savage. You probably think we all are.' His observation startled me. Most of the Keepers had been so fiercely defensive of their way of life that I hadn't thought anyone would even think an outsider would question it–or that any Keeper would care if we did. â€Å"It's just different,' I said diplomatically. â€Å"A lot different from what I'm used to.' I felt a flash of homesickness for all the people and places I was now cut off from. Lissa. Adrian. Our other friends. Court. St. Vladimir's. I shook the feeling off quickly. I had no time to mope and could at least check on Lissa later. â€Å"I've been to human towns,' continued Joshua. â€Å"And other places the Tainted live. I can see why you'd like them.' He turned a bit sheepish. â€Å"I wouldn't mind electricity.' â€Å"Why don't you guys use it?' â€Å"We would if we could. We're just too far out, and no one really knows we're here anyway. The lily-people say it's better for hiding us.' It hadn't occurred to me that they simply endured these conditions because they were forced to in order to conceal themselves. I wondered how many of their choices came from clinging to the so-called old ways †¦ and how much was influenced by the Alchemists. â€Å"Here we are,' said Joshua, pulling me from my musings. He gestured to a dark hole at ground level. The opening was big enough for an adult to enter. â€Å"Nice,' I said. I'd noticed earlier that some of the caves were set higher into the mountains and had watched their residents either climb the rock bare-handed or use homemade ladders. An easy-access doorway seemed luxurious. Joshua looked surprised at my praise. â€Å"Really?' â€Å"Really.' We'd ended up losing too much daylight. He paused to light a torch, and then I followed him inside. We had to duck a little at first, but as we went deeper into the cave, the ceiling slowly expanded and opened up into a wide, rounded space. The floor was hard-packed dirt, the stone walls rough and jagged. This was a natural cave, but I could pick out the efforts made to civilize it. The floor had been cleaned and leveled, and I saw some stones and rocks in a corner that looked like they'd been gathered up to clear space. A couple pieces of furniture had already been moved in: a narrow wooden chair and a mattress that looked like it could barely hold one person. â€Å"You probably think it's small,' said Joshua. It was true, but it was actually bigger than my dorm room at St. Vladimir's. â€Å"Well †¦ yeah, but I mean, how old are you?' â€Å"Eighteen.' â€Å"Same as me,' I said. This seemed to make him pretty happy. â€Å"Having your own, um, cave at eighteen is pretty cool.' It would have been cooler still with electricity, Internet, and plumbing, but there was no need to bring that up. His blue eyes practically shone. I couldn't help but notice what a pretty contrast they made against his tanned skin. I dismissed the thought immediately. I wasn't here for a boyfriend. But apparently, I was the only one who believed that. Joshua suddenly took a step forward. â€Å"You can stay if you want,' he said. â€Å"The other Tainted would never find you here. We could get married, and then when we had kids, we could build a loft like my parents' and–‘ The word married had me moving toward the entrance as shocked and panicked as I would be by a Strigoi attack. Except, I usually had fair warning before those. â€Å"Whoa, whoa, slow down.' No. I hadn't seen a proposal coming. â€Å"We just met!' Thankfully, he didn't come closer. â€Å"I know, but sometimes that's how it is.' â€Å"What, marriages between people who hardly know each other?' I asked incredulously. â€Å"Sure. Happens all the time. And seriously, just in this short of time, I already know I like you. You're amazing. You're beautiful and obviously a good fighter. And the way you carry yourself †¦' He shook his head, awe on his face. â€Å"I've never seen anything like it.' I wished he wasn't so cute and nice. Having creepy guys profess their adoration was a lot easier to deal with than one you liked. I remembered Sydney saying I was a hot commodity here. Scorching was more like it, apparently. â€Å"Joshua, I really like you, but,' I added hastily, seeing hope fill his features, â€Å"I'm too young to get married.' He frowned. â€Å"Didn't you say you were eighteen?' Okay. Age was probably not a good argument around here. I'd seen how young people had kids back in Dimitri's home-town. In a place like this, they probably had child marriages. I tried another angle. â€Å"I don't even know if I want to get married.' This didn't faze him. He nodded in understanding. â€Å"That's smart. We could live together first, see how we get along.' His serious expression turned back into a smile. â€Å"But I'm pretty easygoing. I'd let you win every argument.' I couldn't help it. I laughed. â€Å"Well, then, I'm going to have to win this one and tell you I'm just not ready for †¦ any of it. Besides, I'm already involved with someone.' â€Å"Dimitri?' â€Å"No. Another guy. He's back at the Tainted Court.' I couldn't even believe I was saying that. Joshua frowned. â€Å"Why isn't he here protecting you then?' â€Å"Because †¦ that's not how he is. And I can take care of myself.' I'd never liked the assumption that I needed rescuing. â€Å"And look, even if he wasn't in the picture, I'm leaving soon anyway. It would never work out between you and me.' â€Å"I understand.' Joshua looked disappointed but seemed to be taking the rejection okay. â€Å"Maybe when you've got everything sorted out, you'll come back.' I started to tell him not to wait for me and that he should just marry someone else (despite how ridiculous it was at his age), but then I realized that was a pointless comment. In Joshua's fantasies, he could probably marry someone else now and then add me on to his harem later, like Sarah and Paulette. So, I just simply said, â€Å"Maybe.' Groping for a change in subject, I searched for anything to distract us. My eyes fell on the chair and a leafy pattern carved into it. â€Å"That's really neat.' â€Å"Thanks,' he said, walking over. To my relief, he didn't pursue the earlier topic. He ran his hand lovingly over the ornately carved wood. The design looked like braided leaves. â€Å"I did it myself.' â€Å"Really?' I asked in true surprise. â€Å"That †¦ that's amazing.' â€Å"If you like it †¦' His hand moved, and I feared there was a kiss or embrace coming. Instead, he reached into his shirt pocket and produced a finely carved wooden bracelet. It was a simple, sinuous design, the true marvel being how narrow and delicate it was to all be one piece. The wood had been polished to brilliance. â€Å"Here.' He handed me the bracelet. â€Å"This is for me?' I ran my finger along the smooth edge. â€Å"If you want it. I made it while you were out today. So you'll remember me after you leave.' I hesitated, wondering if accepting this would be encouraging him. No, I decided. I'd made my views on teenage marriage clear, and anyway, he looked so nervous, I couldn't stand the thought of hurting his feelings. I slipped it onto my wrist. â€Å"Of course I'll remember. Thank you.' From the happy look on his face, taking the bracelet made up for my earlier refusal. He showed me a few more details around the cave and then followed my suggestion to join the others at the fire. We could hear the music echoing through the trees long before we made it back, and while it was hardly my style, there was something warm and friendly about this community's way of life. I'd never been to summer camp, but I imagined this was what it'd be like. Sydney and Dimitri sat near the group's edge. They were quiet and watchful, but everyone else sang, clapped, and talked. Again, I was stunned at how easily dhampirs, humans, and Moroi could all be involved with one another. Mixed couples were everywhere, and one–a human and Moroi–were openly making out. Every so often, when he kissed her neck, he'd also bite and take some blood. I had to glance away. I turned back toward my friends. Sydney noticed me and looked relieved. Dimitri's expression was unreadable. Like always, the others' eyes followed my movement, and to my surprise, I saw open jealousy on some of the guys' faces. I hoped they didn't think Joshua and I had been off getting naked in the cave. That was hardly the reputation I wanted to leave behind. â€Å"I have to talk to Sydney,' I told him over the noise. I decided it'd be best to keep my distance before any rumors started, and truthfully, Sydney looked like she wanted me by her side. Joshua nodded, and I turned away. I'd taken two steps when a fist suddenly came right toward my face. I'd had no defenses up and just barely had the presence of mind to turn my head and catch the blow on my cheek, rather than end up with a broken nose. After the initial surprise, all my training kicked in. I quickly sidestepped out of the line of attack and put my body into a fighter's stance. The music and singing stopped, and I turned to face my attacker. Angeline. She stood in a way similar to my own, fists clenched and eyes completely honed in on me. â€Å"Okay,' she said. â€Å"It's time to find out how tough you really are.' What it was time for was someone–say, like, a parent–to come and drag her off and punish her for punching guests. Amazingly, no one moved or tried to stop her. No–that wasn't quite true. One person stood up. Dimitri had sprung to action the instant he saw me in danger. I expected him to come pull Angeline away, but a group of Keepers hastily moved to his side, saying something to him that I couldn't hear. They didn't try to physically restrain him, but whatever they said, it kept him where he stood. I would have demanded to know what they'd told him, but Angeline was coming at me again. It looked like I was on my own. Angeline was short, even for a dhampir, but her whole body was packed with strength. She was pretty fast too, though not fast enough to get that second hit in on me. I neatly dodged it and kept my distance, not wanting to go on the offensive with this girl. She could probably do a fair amount of damage in a fight, but there was a sloppy– no, more like rough–edge to it. She was a scrapper, someone who'd done a lot of brawling but without any formal training. â€Å"Are you insane?' I exclaimed, moving out of the way of another assault. â€Å"Stop this. I don't want to hurt you.' â€Å"Sure,' she said. â€Å"That's what you want everyone to think, right? If you don't actually have to fight, then they'll all go on believing those marks are real.' â€Å"They are real!' The insinuation that I'd faked my tattoos sparked my temper, but I refused to get drawn into this ridiculous scuffle. â€Å"Prove it,' she said, coming at me again. â€Å"Prove you're who you say you are.' It was like a dance, keeping away from her. I could have done it all night, and a few dismayed cries from the crowd demanded we â€Å"get on with it.' â€Å"I don't have to prove anything,' I told her. â€Å"It's a lie then.' Her breathing was heavy now. She was working a lot harder than me. â€Å"Everything you Tainted do is a lie.' â€Å"Not true,' I said. Why was Dimitri letting this go on? Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of him, and so help me, he was smiling. Meanwhile, Angeline was still continuing her tirade as she tried to hit me. â€Å"You all lie. You're all weak. Especially your â€Å"royals.' They're the worst of all.' â€Å"You don't know them at all. You don't know anything about them.' She might be able to carry on a conversation, but I could see her growing increasingly frustrated. If not for the fact I was pretty sure she'd hit me in the back, I would have taken the noble approach and simply walked away. â€Å"I know enough,' she said. â€Å"I know they're selfish and spoiled and don't do anything for themselves. They don't care about anyone else. They're all the same.' I actually agreed with Angeline about some royals but didn't like the generalization. â€Å"Don't talk about things you don't understand,' I snapped. â€Å"They're not all like that.' â€Å"They are,' she said, pleased to see me angry. â€Å"I wish they were all dead.' It was hardly enough to push me into offense mode, but the comment did cloud my thoughts enough that I let her get through my guard, just a little. I never would have let that happen with a Strigoi, but I'd underestimated this wild girl. Her leg snaked out just enough to hit my knee, and it was like tossing a spark into gasoline. Everything exploded. With that hit, I stumbled slightly, and she pushed her advantage. My battle instincts took over, and I had no choice but to strike back before she could hit me. People began cheering now that the fight was â€Å"really going.' I was on offense, trying to subdue her, meaning the physical contact had jumped up exponentially. I was still better than her, no doubt, but in trying to get to her, I put myself in her range. She landed a few blows on me, nothing serious, before I was able to tackle her to the ground. I expected that to be the end, but she pushed back against me before I could fully restrain her. We rolled over, and she tried to take the dominant position. I couldn't allow that and managed a punch on the side of her face that was a lot harder than the earlier one. I thought that would be the end of the fight. My hit had knocked her off me, and I started to stand, but then that little bitch grabbed my hair and jerked me back down. I twisted out of her hold–though I'm pretty sure she took some hair away with her–and this time managed to fully pin her, throwing all my weight and strength into it as I pressed down. I knew it had to be painful but didn't really care. She'd started it. Besides, this skirmish had gone beyond defense. Pulling someone's hair was just playing dirty. Angeline made a few more attempts to break away, but when it became clear she couldn't, those around us began whistling and cheering. A few moments later, that dark and furious look vanished from Angeline's face, replaced by resignation. I eyed her warily, not about to let down my guard. â€Å"Fine,' she said. â€Å"I guess it's okay. Go ahead.' â€Å"Huh? What's okay?' I demanded. â€Å"It's okay if you marry my brother.'

Friday, November 8, 2019

Formula for Ammonium Hydroxide

Formula for Ammonium Hydroxide Ammonium hydroxide is the name given to any aqueous (water-based) solution of ammonia. In pure form, it is a clear liquid that smells strongly of ammonia. Household ammonia usually is 5-10% ammonium hydroxide solution. Other names for ammonium hydroxide are: Ammonia (e.g., household ammonia) [versus anhydrous ammonia]Aqueous ammoniaAmmonia solutionAmmonia waterAmmonia liquorAmmonical liquorSpirit of Hartshorn Chemical Formula of Ammonium Hydroxide The chemical formula of ammonium hydroxide is  NH4OH, but in practice, ammonia deprotonates some of the water, so the species found in solution are a combination of NH3,  NH4,, and OH− in water. Ammonium Hydroxide Uses Household ammonia, which is ammonium hydroxide, is a common cleaner. Its also used as a disinfectant, food leavening agent, to treat straw for cattle feed, to enhance tobacco flavor, to cycle an aquarium without fish, and as a chemical precursor for hexamethylenetetramine and ethylenediamine. In the chemistry lab, it is used for qualitative inorganic analysis and to dissolve silver oxide. Concentration of Saturated Solution Its important for chemists to realize the concentration of a saturated ammonium hydroxide solution decreases as temperature increases. If a saturated solution of ammonium hydroxide is prepared at a cool temperature and the sealed container is heated, the concentration of the solution decreases and ammonia gas can build up in the container, potentially leading it to rupture. At a minimum, unsealing the warm container releases toxic ammonia vapors. Safety Ammonia in any form is toxic, whether it is inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or ingested. Like most other bases, its also corrosive, which means it can burn skin or damage mucous membranes, such as eyes and the nasal cavity. Its also important to refrain from mixing ammonia with other household chemicals because they may react to release additional toxic fumes.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Models of Organisational Behaviour Essays

Models of Organisational Behaviour Essays Models of Organisational Behaviour Paper Models of Organisational Behaviour Paper MODELS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Introduction Organizations achieve their goals by creating, communicating and operating an organizational behaviour system, as shown in the figure below: Management’s Philosophy ? Values ? Vision ? Mission ? Goals Formal Organization Organizational Culture Social Environment Informal Organization Leadership ? Communication ? Group Dynamics Quality of Work Life Motivation Outcomes: ? Performance ? Employee satisfaction ? Personal growth and development I. Philosophy A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The philosophy (model) of organizational behavior held by management consists of an integrated set of assumptions and beliefs about the way things are, the purpose for these activities, and the way should be. The philosophies are sometimes implicit or explicit in the minds of managers. There are five major organizational behavior philosophies: Autocratic Custodial Supportive Collegial System B. Selected Elements of Philosophy Statement We are committed to quality, cost-effectiveness and technical excellence. People should treat each other with consideration, trust and respect. Each person is valuable, is unique and makes a contribution. All employees should be unfailingly committed to excellent performance. Teamwork can and should, produce far more than sum of individual efforts. C. Two Sources of Philosophy of Organizational Behavior Fact Premises represent our descriptive view of how the world behaves. They are drawn from both behavioral science research and personal experiences. Value Premises represent our view of desirability of certain goals and activities. Value premises are variable beliefs we hold and are therefore under control. II. Values The rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong Determine which are more or less important and which is more favorable A. Sample of Statement of Values Harvard University Statement of Values August 2002 Harvard University aspires to provide education and scholarship of the highest quality - to advance the frontiers of knowledge and to prepare individuals for life, work, and leadership. Achieving these aims depends on the efforts of thousands of faculty, students, and staff across the University. 2 Some of us make our contribution by engaging directly in teaching, learning, and research, others of us, by supporting and enabling those core activities in essential ways. Whatever our individual roles, and wherever we work within Harvard, we owe it to one another to uphold certain basic values of the community. These include: Respect for the rights, differences, and dignity of others Honesty and integrity in all dealings Conscientious pursuit of excellence in ones work Accountability for actions and conduct in the workplace The more we embrace these values in our daily lives, the more we create and sustain an environment of trust, cooperation, lively inquiry, and mutual understanding - and advance a commitment to education and scholarship, which all of us share. III. Vision Represents a challenging portrait of what the organization and its members can be -a possible, and desirable, future. Leaders need to create exciting projections about where the organization should go and what major changes lie ahead Once the vision is established, persistent and enthusiastic communication is required to sell it throughout the ranks of employees so they will embrace it with commitment. A. Samples of Vision Statements 1. PSBA Manila To be an institution of world-class education for youth of our country. 2. GMA Network CORPORATE VISION We are the most respected, undisputed leader in the Philippine broadcast industry and the recognized media innovator and pacesetter in Asia. We are the Filipinos’ favorite network. We are the advertisers’ preferred partner. We are the employer of choice in our industry. We provide the best returns to our shareholders. We are a key partner in promoting the best in the Filipino. 3. Procter and Gamble Be, and be recognized as, the best consumer products and services company in the world. 4. SMDC We envision SM Development Corporation to be a leading developer of world-class residences in the Philippines, uplifting Filipino lifestyles into one that is convenient, upscale yet affordable, and environment friendly. B. Mission Identifies the business the organization is in the market niches it tries to serve, the types of customers it is likely to have and the reasons for its existence. Many mission statements even include a brief listing of the competitive advantages, or strengths, or the firm believes it has. Mission statements are more descriptive and less future-oriented. C. Samples of Mission Statements 1. T oyota To sustain profitable growth by providing the best customer experience and dealer support. † 2. Apple Computer 1984 To produce high-quality, low cost, easy to use products that incorporate high technology for the individual. We are proving that high technology does not have to be intimidating for non-computer experts. † IV. Goals Goals are relatively concrete formulations of achievements the organization is aiming within set periods of time, such as one to five years. Goal setting is a complex process for top management’s goals need to be merged with those of employees, who bring their psychological, social and economic needs with them to an organization. A. Samples of Goals To establish stronger relationships with 10,000 clients in Metro Manila. To minimize client complaints from 40 down to 5 per month. To increase the student population to 700 within 2 years 4 V. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Alternative Assumptions About Employees Theory X Theory X assumes that the average person: ? ? ? ? ? Theory Y Theory Y makes the following general assumptions: ? ? Dislikes work and attempts to avoid it. Has no ambition, wants no responsibility, and would rather follow than lead. Is self-centered and therefore does not care about organizational goals. Resists change. Is gullible and not particularly intelligent. ? ? ? Work can be as natural as play and rest. People will be self-directed to meet their work objectives if they are committed to them. People will be committed to their objectives if rewards are in place that address higher needs such as selffulfillment. Under these conditions, people will seek responsibility. Most people can handle responsibility because creativity and ingenuity are common in the population. Essentially, Theory X assumes that people work only for money and security. Theory X The Hard Approach and Soft Approach Under Theory X, management approaches can range from a hard approach to a soft approach. The hard approach relies on coercion, implicit threats, close supervision, and tight controls, essentially an environment of command and control. The soft approach is to be permissive and seek harmony with the hope that in return employees will cooperate when asked to do so. However, neither of these extremes is optimal. The hard approach results in hostility, purposely low-output, and hard-line union demands. The soft approach results in ever-increasing requests for more rewards in exchange for ever-decreasing work output. The optimal management approach under Theory X probably would be somewhere between these extremes. However, McGregor asserts that neither approach is appropriate because the assumptions of Theory X are not correct. The Problem with Theory X Drawing on Maslows hierarchy, McGregor argues that a satisfied need no longer motivates. Under Theory X the firm relies on money and benefits to satisfy employees lower needs, and once those needs are satisfied the source of motivation is lost. Theory X management styles in fact hinder the satisfaction of higher-level needs. Consequently, the only way that employees can attempt to satisfy their higher level needs in their work is by seeking more compensation, so it is quite predictable that they will focus on monetary rewards. While money may not be the most 5 effective way to self-fulfilment, in a Theory X environment it may be the only way. Under Theory X, people use work to satisfy their lower needs, and seek to satisfy their higher needs in their leisure time. But it is in satisfying their higher needs that employees can be most productive. McGregor makes the point that a command and control environment is not effective because it relies on lower needs as levers of motivation, but in modern society those needs already are satisfied and thus no longer are motivators. In this situation, one would expect employees to dislike their work, avoid responsibility, have no interest in organizational goals, resist change, etc. thus making Theory X a self-fulfilling prophecy. From this reasoning, McGregor proposed an alternative: Theory Y. Theory Y The higher-level needs of esteem and self-actualization are continuing needs in that they are never completely satisfied. As such, it is these higher-level needs through which employees can best be motivated. Under these assumptions, there is an opportunity to align personal goals with organizational goals by using the employees own quest for fulfillment as the motivator. McGregor stressed that Theory Y management does not imply a soft approach. McGregor recognized that some people may not have reached the level of maturity assumed by Theory Y and therefore may need tighter controls that can be relaxed as the employee develops. Theory Y Management Implications If Theory Y holds, the firm can do many things to harness the motivational energy of its employees: Decentralization and Delegation If firms decentralize control and reduce the number of levels of management; each manager will have more subordinates and consequently will be forced to delegate some responsibility and decision making to them. ? ? Job Enlargement Broadening the scope of an employees job adds variety and opportunities to satisfy ego needs. Participative Management Consulting employees in the decision making process taps their creative capacity and provides them with some control over their work environment. Performance Appraisals Having the employee set objectives and participate in the process of evaluating how well they were met. If properly implemen ted, such an environment would result in a high level of motivation as employees work to satisfy their higher level personal needs through their jobs. VI. Paradigms/Framework Models such as X and Y are also called paradigms or frameworks of possible explanations about how things work. Any model that a manager holds usually begins with certain assumptions about people and leads to certain implications and even predictions of events. Managerial Paradigms According to Joel Barker They influence managerial perceptions of the world around them. They define one’s boundaries and provide perceptions for how to behave. They encourage resistance to change, since they have worked in the past. They may either consciously or unconsciously affect one’s behavior. When new paradigms appear, they provide alternative ways of viewing the world and solving problems. VII. Five Models of Organizational Behavior Autocratic Basis of Model Power Supportive Economic Resources Custodial Leadership Collegial Partnership System Trust, community, meaning Caring, compassion Psychological ownership Self-motivation Managerial Model Employee orientation Employee psychological result Employee Needs Met Performance result Authority Money Support Teamwork Obedience Security and Benefits Job Performance Responsible Behavior Self-discipline Dependence on Dependence on Participation boss organization Subsistence Security Status and recognition Awakened drives Selfactualization Moderate enthusiasm Wide range Minimum Passive cooperation Passion and commitment to organizational goals 7 A. The Autocratic Model The autocratic model has its roots in history, and certainly, it became the prevailing model of the industrial revolution. The autocratic model depends on power. Characteristics of Autocratic Model Managerial orientation is formal, official authority. The employee orientation is obedience to a boss. Useful way to accomplish work It is an acceptable approach to guide managerial behavior when there were no wellknown alternatives, it can be useful during organization crises. B. The Custodial Model Custodial model was used during the welfare programs in 1890s and 1900s. The welfare program was later known as paternalism. Characteristics of Custodial Model The res ulting managerial orientation is toward money to pay wages and benefits. The employer looks to security needs as a motivating force. This approach leads to employee’s dependence on the organization. C. The Supportive Model The supportive model depends on leadership instead of power or money. Through leadership, management provides a climate to help employees grow in the interests of the organization the things of which they are capable of. The management orientation is to support the employee’s job performance This approach leads to a feeling of participation and task involvement in the organization. D. The Collegial Model The term â€Å"collegial† relates to a body of people working together cooperatively. A contingency relationship exists in which the collegial model tends to be more useful with unprogrammed work, an intellectual environment and considerable job freedom. Characteristics of Collegial Model The managerial orientation is towards teamwork. Management is the coach that builds a better team. The employee response to this situation is responsibility. E. The System Model 8 It is the result of higher meaning at work by many of today’s employees; they want more than just a paycheck and job security from their jobs. Characteristics of System Model The role of a manager becomes one of facilitating employee accomplishments through a variety of actions. Employees embrace the goal of organizational effectiveness. The employee needs that are met are of highest order (e. g. social status, esteem, autonomy, self-actualization) VIII. Conclusions About the Models Evolving Usage There is no one permanently â€Å"best† model, because what is best is contingent in what is known about human behavior in whatever environment exists at that time. The primary challenge for management is to identify the model it is actually using and then assess its current effectiveness. A manager has two key tasks- to acquire a new set of values as models evolve and to learn and apply the behavioral skills that are consistent with those values. Relation of Model to Human Needs The five models discussed in this report are closely related to human needs. Each model is built upon the accomplishment of the other. Increasi ng Use of Some Models The trend toward the supportive, collegial and systems models will probably continue. Contingent Use of Other Models Though one model maybe used at any given time, some appropriate models will be given at any given time. All five models will still be used; however, an emphasis will be given to newer ones. Managerial Flexibility Managers not only need to identify their current behavioral model but also keep it flexible and current. Managers need to read, think, assess, reflect, interact with others be receptive to the growing needs and be receptive to the challenges to their thinking from their colleagues and employees. 9

Monday, November 4, 2019

Answer q Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer q - Research Paper Example The current managers did not seem to realize there was a current problem with theft. When she mentioned it to another student employee, he just shrugged it off. Should she tell on the others and risk being fired or should she wait it out until she was a manager and take care of it herself? Some of the strengths of the company are that they are a student run business on campus that offers convenience for food for them. The weaknesses are that they put other students in charge of business and they sometimes do not have training and since they are around peers, they are not seen as authority figures. Opportunities are that students can obtain management experience while in college so they might have better chances for jobs after graduation. They are in a hands-on learning situation. The threats of the company are that some authorities are not right there so cannot be looked to for help and the main managers are oblivious to the issue. As a consultant, in order to make the business more profitable, would be to hire one full time manager who is not a student. Let there be a few student managers that are part-time. All employees should have to follow a code of conduct and they would be let go if they did not follow it. People who notice problems should be rewarded and encouraged to report them to upper staff

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10

Business Ethics - Essay Example The most common conflicts that arise in any organization is the inter and intra group conflicts. They may involve individuals or the whole company or sometimes the management. The differences that arise between the two employees can result from the difference in their approaches towards the work and environment in which they come across. As they both have different personalities, attitudes and also different families, their objective or vision may differ from the objective of the company or from the management under which they are working (Srinivasan). Apart from that, these conflicts can be developed between the two teams or groups of an organization. These conflicts arise when one of the teams feels differently about the other. Sometimes the member of any group raises some issues about another group or team. On this basis, rather to stay in his team and work, he prefers to leave it due to inter and intra group conflict. According to the survey conducted by Kathleen Cox, B. PhD, RN, intra group conflicts severely affect the functioning of the employees. It has the negative effect over the performances of team as well as on individuals. According to her research, it is important for the management to build an administration that can work to overcome the agitated environment of the company while maintaining the significance of team working (Cox). The culture and diversity in an organization can be defined or seen as the â€Å"beliefs, norms, or values† that allow the members of an organization to work accordingly. The diversity is referred to the identification of difference in opinions and cultures or behaviors among the people and then enables them to work under one roof. There are differences between employees but to maintain a better workplace and to build an effective team or corporation is what the culture and diversity all about. However, it is difficult to manage an organization with diversified ideas and approaches (Williams). As

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Business research week 5 individual assignment - 1

Business research week 5 individual - Assignment Example Samsung dealers will be requested to provide details of the customers who bought Samsung Android phones between January 2014 and March 2015 to the nearest Samsung customer care centers. From each center, a sampling frame of all the customers who purchased their phones between March 2014 and March 2015 will be prepared. From this list, a sample of 500 respondents from each center will be selected by random sampling. Customers will then be requested to come to the customer care centers on a chosen date to be administered with questionnaires. Those who will not be able to turn up will be indirectly interviewed on the phone by independent people. Collected data will be analyzed with the help of application software SPSS and result displayed on Graphs and Charts to simplify the analysis and interpretation process. ANOVA will be the preferred statistical test in the research. When the hypotheses test is negative, then the company will have to implement the recommendation of the research to strengthen their hold on the market. A positive test would mean there is no relationship between the variable there some other variable should be investigated not the ones discussed here. The qualitative methods that will be used are a little but mostly quantitative. A little of ethnographic or quasi-experiment maybe embraced to compare phenomenon. The insights developed from the report will be recommended to the board of directors through presentation to persuade them to implement the findings and even initiate more research on the related areas. Once the hypotheses test negative, then it will be so easy to convince them. This whole process of research will not take too long since most of the required information is in the database. It is only a matter or retrieving the information. However, it will be necessary to do a reconnaissance of the centers to make arrangements on how at least 250