Thursday, October 31, 2019

Business research week 5 individual assignment - 1

Business research week 5 individual - Assignment Example Samsung dealers will be requested to provide details of the customers who bought Samsung Android phones between January 2014 and March 2015 to the nearest Samsung customer care centers. From each center, a sampling frame of all the customers who purchased their phones between March 2014 and March 2015 will be prepared. From this list, a sample of 500 respondents from each center will be selected by random sampling. Customers will then be requested to come to the customer care centers on a chosen date to be administered with questionnaires. Those who will not be able to turn up will be indirectly interviewed on the phone by independent people. Collected data will be analyzed with the help of application software SPSS and result displayed on Graphs and Charts to simplify the analysis and interpretation process. ANOVA will be the preferred statistical test in the research. When the hypotheses test is negative, then the company will have to implement the recommendation of the research to strengthen their hold on the market. A positive test would mean there is no relationship between the variable there some other variable should be investigated not the ones discussed here. The qualitative methods that will be used are a little but mostly quantitative. A little of ethnographic or quasi-experiment maybe embraced to compare phenomenon. The insights developed from the report will be recommended to the board of directors through presentation to persuade them to implement the findings and even initiate more research on the related areas. Once the hypotheses test negative, then it will be so easy to convince them. This whole process of research will not take too long since most of the required information is in the database. It is only a matter or retrieving the information. However, it will be necessary to do a reconnaissance of the centers to make arrangements on how at least 250

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Iraq War Essay Example for Free

Iraq War Essay The American government took the controversial decision of waging a war against Iraq. The circumstances and the motives of the American government indicate that the war on Iraq was unwarranted and cannot be justified although the American government has put forward a few reasons for waging this war. The logic and evidence does not support such contentions by the American government. The American government has failed to justify its unilateral decision of declaring war against Iraq. In the year 2002, the American President revealed his plan of attacking the Iraqi regime as it was thought that Iraq was in the process of emerging as the greatest threat to the American security. This decision was apparently taken on the basis of the intelligence information that the US government obtained concerning Iraq’s nuclear program. However, it is interesting to note that this intelligence information was kept secret until 2002. The major reason for this war was the terrorist attack of the World Trade Center in the year 2001. Obviously, this attack had left Americans at a state of shock as the successful terrorist attack demonstrated to the whole world that American security is at stake and that American military and intelligence power is not that efficient. (Powers 1) The knee jerk reaction resulted in the decision to chalk out the proper plans to prevent the future attacks of the American territory. However, it is interesting to note that the American government could not obtain even the simple majority of the members of the UN Security Council. This clearly indicates that the United Nations did not wholeheartedly support the Iraqi venture initiated by the American government. The close allies such as France and Germany could not be convinced of the need for this war project as these countries felt that there was no need for any fresh attack on the Iraqi territory as after 1991 this region was left in almost depleted state. The President was able to only convince the United States Congress as the members of the Congress did not question the necessity of a war on Iraq. The Congress members did not even participate in the debate regarding the Iraqi war. This shows that the American government could not convince the world leaders that Iraq was up to some fresh mischief in the form of the production of armaments having the capacity to destroy the world population. These details indicate that the American government has been alienated by other important powers which have not accepted the evidence presented by America that Iraq was emerging as another center of terrorist activities. (Powers 2) The main argument of the proponents of war was that Saddam Hussein possessed various dangerous weapons such as nuclear arsenals and chemical weapons which could have been used to destroy the enemy countries. The proponents of war asserted that the past history of Saddam showed that he was an aggressor. Their another contention is that Saddam Hussein had connections with the Islamic terrorist organizations and the leaders such as Osama bin Laden who had played an important role in the WTC attack. (Mearsheimer and Walt 1) These are the three reasons given by war supporters to justify the US aggression on Iraq. However, the proponents of war are not able to prove that Hussein really possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The UN inspections did not reveal that Iraq actually possessed or had the potential of building huge base of WMD which could have been used for destructive purposes. The War mongers were aware of the fact that their action would lead to huge expenses to the American treasury and that this war would result in the alienation of America in the world politics. Even then they insisted that war was inevitable as one could not afford to ignore the possession of nuclear arsenals in the hands of the Iraqi leadership. In reality, the US had the power to contain the alleged Iraqi aggression. The argument that war was inevitable rests on the faulty logic. The war supporters are not able to come up with substantial proof to suggest that Saddam had seriously pursued the plan of destroying his enemy countries. (Mearsheimer and Walt 4) However, in this context one should remember that after the Gulf war the allied forces had obtained entry into Iraq and they had used their energy to reduce the military power of Iraq. The Gulf war debacle was sufficient to deplete the Iraqi resources. Perhaps the American government needed to make a strong statement against Islamic terrorists after the September 11 attack. This resulted in the declaration of war on Iraq. This can be considered as the face saving attempt made by the American government. The newspapers have reported information from CIA documents which contradicted the statements made by the President Bush who asserted that Iraq was trying to produce nuclear arsenals as the Iraqi officials had approached South Africa to obtain materials needed for producing nuclear weapons. However, CIA expressed doubt regarding this report that Iraq was trying to obtain nuclear weapon materials from South Africa. Another contention of the President was that the Iraqi officials refused entry of the weapon inspectors into Iraqi regions. However, there are evidences which refute this allegation. In reality, as the newspapers reported, the Iraqi government had offered their cooperation with the weapon inspectors. There is also evidence to suggest that even before the beginning of war the American government obtained the information that Iraq did not approach South Africa to obtain nuclear weapon materials. This shows that the Bush administration had deliberately misinterpreted the intelligence reports in order to obtain the support of the Congress members for this war. In spite of these contradictions Bush has defended his action of invading Iraq without any major reason. (Priest and Milbank A01) There are evidences to state that the US decision to attack Iraq has backfired and it has not contributed to the improvement of the US image in the international political arena. The Iraq venture has resulted in the protest by the governments and people belonging to different nations in the world which did not find any necessity for this war. (Martin 3) The main reason for this protest against the war is that this war was unjust. The extreme action taken by the US forces against the innocent Iraqi civilians has come under public criticism. This shows the world public opinion has not supported the idea of the US led campaign against Iraq. This war has enraged the Muslim nations and this may contribute to increase in the activities of the Muslim terrorist organizations leading to the loss of lives in different parts of the world. There is no evidence to state that the US government obtained the support of the majority of the Americans for this war. The Iraq war has contributed to the creation negative image of Bush not only in the world politics but also in the US. In this sense, this war has not benefited the US people. Instead of increasing the security of Americans, this war has increased the possibility of terrorist attack on the innocent American population. (Martin 4) Works Cited Bracknell, Major Rob. â€Å"Euro-bashing as Good Sport†. Naval War College Review. 58. 2, (2005): 139-142. Available at

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thor: Comparison of Myths and Comic Books

Thor: Comparison of Myths and Comic Books The modern day image of a superhero consists of either Superman or Batman riding in a high-speed car and swinging off of buildings hundreds of feet from the ground, desperately trying to save the innocent victim. A Norse God with long blonde hair, a winged metal helmet, and a bright red cape with blue leggings is probably not an ordinary image being pictured in ones head. Superheroes come in all varieties, shapes, and forms, but behind each superhero lies a secret to why they were created. The reasons for creation range from events that previously occurred in history to recent changes in todays society. Comic book superheroes were indeed influenced by history, but the comic book superheroes also continually influence history itself. This reciprocal influence continues to affect the generations of comic book fans for years on end. Comic book creators have been known for using a strategy to create characters which tend to resemble infamous gods to separate the common ideal mortal heroes from the indestructible immortals. By using this strategy, comic book creators are able to give their characters a fierce outer shell with a scholarly uplift (Reynolds 53). With the creation of the Mighty Thor comic book character in 1962, Lee and Thomas used this strategy perfectly (54). Asgardian characters were just ready-made superheroes waiting to be transformed into the comic-book world (57). Being named one of the most unusual creations in comic book history, Thor truly defined â€Å"†¦the first successful attempt to harness existing mythology on a large scale to construct the mise en scene of a superhero† (54). In relation to history, Thor was the son of Odin, the universal father, and Frigga queen of the gods. His name dates back to ancient Norse Mythology where he was known for his incredible strength and enormous size. This continually amazed the gods (Guerber 59). Recognized as the god of thunder with a magical hammer, he was â€Å"honoured as the highest god in Norway† (60). Thor was always right in the middle of action when it came to battling against raging monsters, deadly giants, and prehistoric forces. There are three main properties that define Thors character when he becomes involved in battle. The first is his infamous hammer Miollnir which symbolizes the crushing skulls of monsters and giants. The second is his belt of strength which when buckled, makes his godlike powers multiply. Last are his iron gloves which he must wear in order to swing his hammer (Page 40). There is a direct correlation between the mythical Thor and the comic-book character the Mighty Thor. From both the physical aspects and the characteristics of their personalities, Norse legends have heavily influenced the modern comic-book superheroes (Knowles 29). The Mighty Thor is visualized as a tall robust man, with strawberry blonde locks, and blue eyes. He also speaks in a very distinct old English accent. An example is when the mighty Thor proclaims, â€Å"Thy work is done, father! Let it be known far and wide that the full might of Mjolnir is restored† (0000). Whereas the mythical Thor is closely described â€Å"†¦as a man in his prime, tall and well formed, with muscular limbs and bristling red hair and beard†¦(Guerber 60).† Both characters also share the same love of being involved in battle, and depend on their mighty hammer. Although, the mythical Thor depends on his hammer for security and power, the Mighty Thor uses his hammer to transform into Don Blake and back into Thor (Page 13). The mythical Thor was also known for his outlandish and dangerous outrages which eventually became uncontrollable. Consequently, his mother sent him away from home and placed him in the care of Vingir and Hlora. This is where his other names â€Å"Vingthor† and â€Å"Hlorridi† derived from (Guerber 59). Much like the mythical Thor being sent away from his homeland, the Mighty Thor was sent away from Asgard to earth as a punishment from his father because of his arrogance (Reynolds 54). From these comparisons one can obviously conclude that the artist, Jack Kirby, was truly fascinated with Norse legends. Since his childhood, Norse legends formed the basis for his imagination and gave him great inspiration when it came to graphically representing the Mighty Thor on paper (Misiroglu 599). History has indeed influenced the creation of the Mighty Thor, but another question should be raised. Has the Mighty Thor influenced history? With the debut of the Mighty Thor in 1962, the hippie era was on the rise. Long hair, bell bottom jeans, and tie-die were some of the trends getting ready to appear. The country was also getting ready to be faced with the Vietnam turmoil which would greatly influence comic-book creators and their story-lines to come. The Mighty Thor has always been known for fighting out against powerful Communists and mad scientists (Knowles 191). Throughout most of the Marvel comic-books, villains were represented as Communists. Some superheroes would actually have to travel straight into the heart of the Viet-Cong for battle. In the famous 1965 series, Journey into the Mystery, the Mighty Thor was found in South Vietnam assisting a group of anti-communist peasants. Both the peasants and Thor were taking on the merciless Viet Cong military. Along the way, Tho r also liberated a Vietnamese family from Communism where he promised a village he would return (Wright 222). With the Vietnam conflict raging among citizens all over the United States, young adolescents were getting ready to burst out. The Mighty Thors heavy anti-communism propaganda, influenced readers of all ages. One way Thor truly influenced the youth culture was actually unintentional towards young men. Preceding a couple of years after the Might Thors debut, his long golden hair would become a fashionable trend. This long hair then became a symbol of rebellion and rage for young people all over the nation (213). The hippie era had begun.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Reincarnation :: essays research papers

Reincarnation Reincarnation is the belief that after death, one's soul keeps existing and is reborn another person or animal. It keeps reborning until it redeems itself. Then it returns to the temple of god, which the Buddhists call "Nirvana" - eternal tranquillity. Two of the many ancient tribes who believed in reincarnation are the Greeks and the Egyptians. Karma, the belief that our actions determine our future, is one of the foundations of reincarnation. For example, a person who lived a sinful life will return, after death, as an animal, as opposed to a person who lived an honest life, who will return as a person. Despite the resistance of many Jewish leaders, reincarnation also played a role in Judaism due to the Kabala who developed this idea. Some Jewish philosophers even believed that a soul of a sinner can enter a live man's body and "posses" him. Special rituals were used in order to "cure" the man. T. Gomertz, a famous philosopher, thought of three very good reasons why one should believe in reincarnation: 1. It is believed that dreams are attempts of the soul to live the body. If this is true, than the soul can leave the body and it does so when a person dies. This also means that a soul can exist without a body. 2. If we assume that the soul dies with the body it is connected to, than we will have to assume there is an endless number of souls which is improbable. 3. Matter is enduring and, therefore, so is the soul. If the soul exists after death, hens it had existed before birth. Gomertz believes the origin of this belief is in India, where it was believed that every action had a hidden reaction, other than the obvious one. This reaction is obscure at first and is only later revealed, sometimes even in the next life. Reincarnation in Different Cultures and Religions Judaism: In this religion, it was believed that a sinners soul can posses a living man. This is called an Obsession but it's actually very similar to reincarnation. This belief only exists in Judaism. It appears repeatedly in "The Glow" which is a book written in the 16th century. This book claims that every soul has its purpose / mission. If this mission isn't completed, the soul returns to earth and possesses someone. It stays in this state until it either completes its mission or is banished by special rituals which are performed by the Rabby. This belief was most popular in the 16th century. At that period, in some parts, every illness was considered an obsession.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Economics Assignment About Technology Essay

During the 1990s, technological advance reduced the cost of computer chips. Explain, with the use supply and demand diagrams, how the following markets are affected in terms of prices and quantities. a)Computers b)Computer software c)Typewriters a) DEMAND- Demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price; the relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship as showed on the graph below. Due to technological advance reducing the cost of computer chips, there is a downward shift on the demand curve. As there is price factor involved, there is a movement in the curve. As the price decreased, the total quantity demand increased. Moreover due to reduce cost in computer chips, the selling price has also been reduced therefore rise in consumers purchasing more computer chips. As the price is less than the equilibrium price there is an excess quantity demanded, which may course a shortage. SUPPLY- The quantity supplied refers to the amount of a certain good producers are willing to supply when receiving a certain price. The correlation between price and how much of a good or service is supplied to the market is known as the supply relationship. In this case, movement to the right of the supply curve as the supply has also increased due to the decrease in cost of computer chips. As the selling price has decreased, the supply has increased because more people are willing and can afford to purchase the computer chip. b) Demand- A computer software falls under a complementary good as it’s jointly consumed with computer chips. As a result, there is an inverse relationship between price changes for computer chips therefore the demand for its complementary good which in this case is computer software will decrease. If the price of computer software increased there would be upward shift on the demand curve therefore lesser quantity demanded as there are fewer people purchasing the product. Supply- as there was an increase in the price, there was a decrease in the supply. c) Type writers in this case would make no changes to the price or the quantity of its products as price reduction on computer-chip has no direct relation to it. The ceteris paribus holds all prices of other goods constant. Therefore, movement along a demand curve only occurs solely in response to changes in the price of computer-chips; that is, its own price. Question 2: After an economics lecture one day, your friend suggests that taxing food would be a good way to raise revenue because the demand for food is quite inelastic. a)In what sense is taxing food is a â€Å"good† way to raise revenue? b)In what sense is it not a â€Å"good way† to raise revenue? a) Food is a need, it is essential to us. Taxing food is a good way to raise revenue because the percentage change in quantity demanded is smaller than the percentage change in price (1 per cent in quantity demanded in response to a 1 per cent change in price). The demand for food is inelastic because the elasticity coefficient is less than 1 and total revenue varies directly with the direction of the price change (as the price of food increases, total revenue also rises). People will have to buy food to survive as most people live a busy life to grow their own crop. b) It is not a good way to raise revenue as people that live an average life or lower would suffer more. As it is they can barely put the food on the dinner table for the family, raising revenue would cause them to struggle even more causing more crimes such as shop lifting. Healthy foods are much dearer than junk foods therefore people will start eating take-away foods which would increase the rate of obesity. With take-way chains like Mc Donald’s promoting cheaper items such as the â€Å"loose change menu† and also advertising new food products regularly, take-way food would be the easier option. Question 3: Most studies of firms’ long run costs have found that average costs decline as firms produce increasingly larger output levels (economies of scale), such as for automobile firms. However, trucking (haulage) firms appear not to experience falling average costs associated with large-scale operations. Why might this be the case? Explain.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Integrated Patrol v. Traditional Policing Essay Essays

Integrated Patrol v. Traditional Policing Essay Essays Integrated Patrol v. Traditional Policing Essay Essay Integrated Patrol v. Traditional Policing Essay Essay 1. The 14-month consequences are impressive. What are the major factors for this success The protocol that Chief G is seeking to implement with his constabulary force is called intergrated patrol. How does this attack comparison to the traditional theoretical account of jurisprudence enforcement? The integrated patrol scheme brings a community-oriented construct of patroling into drama. which offense bar and decrease attempts are applied in larger countries. instead than concentrating specifically on a group of people within a peculiar location. The incorporate patrol scheme. besides calls for more enhanced fact-finding processs. It besides stresses the importance of information sharing between bureaus. This is proven to help in effectual solutions to work outing offenses and path tendencies and forms. As a consequence these stratigiesto strengthen relationships between bureaus. . In comparision the traditional enforcement scheme responded to offense after the fact. and merely concentrated on a certain state of affairs or offense. The traditional scheme is missing when it comes to making more organized and strategic programs for the force excercising it. The strategic planning is critical in saying the overall constabulary mission. You might look at incorporate patrol as a one squad. one fight’ construct. While the traditional manner of making things. is every adult male for himself. point of position. Resistance in this state of affairs will most likely come from Sam. He has worked for the force for 26 old ages. He started as a round bull and has earned his manner to the place he presently holds. He believes in hionesty. equity. and seting in your clip toi earn your chevrons. Respect from Sam must be earned non given on first intrioduction automatically. Sing as how Sam has spent 26 old ages of his life working his manner to the place he holds now it is likely to presume that he wouldn’t appreciate person trade name new to the force being out into a place of any sort of his degree without first gaining it. So Sam will hold a natural opposition to allowing any other officers investigate becauser her believes once more that you have to gain the right to be an investigater. We can get the better of Sam’s personal struggles with the ideals we want to put Forth by reassuring him that he heads that section and the descision on who will be look intoing will still finally be his. Equally good as the fact he should be told this is a test and if it is non to work out so no injury no foul. The least resisitance in this scenario I believe will be coming from Peter. I believe he isn’t seeking to throw up any sort of opposition at all. His chief figure one end it seems to me is to hold an copacetic well organized and good runing force every bit good as. He is smart plenty to cognize that opposition against this thought from head would non alter the courser of action that the head would necessitate him to get down on but merely do struggle and possible demerrits for him. He welcomes this alteration and looks in front to get down the test with a positive and hopeful attitude that this new intergrated patrol will win with their force merely as it did with the experiment force they tested it with.