Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ricky Williams and Social Anxiety Disorder Essay - 1922 Words

Ricky Williams and Social Anxiety Disorder Introduction As regular people of society, we tend to put celebrities up on a pedestal and view them as a higher being. We often think that they have perfect lives, having everything they could ever need even though, this is not the case. There are many situations, problems and other situations that occur behind the scenes that we do not know about that these celebrities face every day. Some of our heroes who we think are perfect may actually suffer from psychiatric disorders. One of the best running backs to ever play the game of football goes by the name of Ricky Williams. He had a successful career at the University of Texas where he was a two-time-All-American. Williams also won the†¦show more content†¦his mother, and his other two siblings lived in a cramped apartment in San Diego. Due to their living conditions, the family moved northeast to the suburban area, La Mesa, California where Ricky and his family were sometimes the victims of racial slurs and jokes. In this area of California, Ricky felt too black for his white friends and too white for his black friends (Ricky Williams, 04). The alienation he felt from peers, caused Ricky to keep to himself most of the time and contributed to his shyness. In school, Ricky was a good student academically, but was seen a behavior problem due to his ability to control his anger. Peers and teachers considered him a bully and someone who liked to pick on smaller kids. Because of his behavior, Rickys mom had him transferred to another school. This change of environment proved to be the best move for Williams. His grades improved and he started to excel in sports. (Ricky Williams, 04) Rickys athletic ability led to him being recruited by the University of Texas to play college football. While there, Williams broke several records and won the Heisman Trophy. In 1999, Williams was selected as the fifth pick of the NFL Draft by the New Orleans Saints as its only draft pick, marking the first time that one player was chosen as the only draft pick of an NFL team. (Ricky Williams, 04) Ricky Williams later on had six children by three different women. In 2009 he married the last woman who gave birth to hisShow MoreRelatedThe Perks Of Being A Wallflower1056 Words   |  5 PagesSocial anxiety is a major concept in today s teens. With social anxiety being the third largest mental health problem in the U.S., it is no wonder (Richards). Social anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder that causes extreme fear in social settings. People with this disorder struggle with everyday communication, worrying that they are constantly being negatively judged, or that they will embarrass themselves in some way, shape, or form. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Tragic Flaw Of Oedipus And Hamlet - 1829 Words

The tragic flaw of a human being is usually checked with the method he or she reacts with to the circumstances that life throws upon him or her. Contemporary society appears to be fixated on giving gatherings of people cases of such individuals who, in spite of the affliction of their lives, that still transcend. In fact, maybe nobody is more fit for indicating triumph over struggles than Sophocles and William Shakespeare. In both Oedipus and Hamlet, for example, the primary characters struggle with many obstacles and consequences and find themselves with unimaginable problems furthermore and are compelling to choose what the correct decision will be. This develops to Oedipus and Hamlet becoming motivated, courageous people and also becoming dishonest to themselves throughout the two books. Shakespeare and Sophocles’ plays show that sometimes when dealing with consequences and the obstacles there are different ways to react instead of leading to a tragedy. Oedipus and Hamletâ €™s motivation in dealing with problems is evident when the two primary characters want to find out the murderers of their father’s. Their courageous actions develop them towards having one goal, which was to kill the former King, and show courageous traits towards other people. They become dishonest to their themselves and is showed throughout the two books, which then causes misfortune for both of them in the end. Despite the resemblances of the two, Hamlet is in control of his activities, and he veryShow MoreRelatedHamlet vs. Oedipus Essay898 Words   |  4 PagesPrince Hamlet in Hamlet by William Shakespeare and Oedipus in Oedipus King by Sophocles In Aristotles literary discourse, Poetics, he discusses his theory of tragedy, wherein he introduces the concepts of tragic flaw or hamartia, which serves as the catalyst for the protagonists downfall or the tragedy of the story to happen. He determines a tragedy as a drama that brings about a sorrowful conclusion, arousing fear and pity in the audience (Roberts and Jacobs, 1998:1189). Tragic storiesRead MoreOedipus vs. Hamlet as Tragic Heroes1562 Words   |  7 PagesOedipus from the drama, â€Å"Oedipus the King† and Hamlet from, â€Å"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark† are two characters that are different, yet they both share the same title of being a tragic hero. Oedipus and Hamlet have many characteristics of a tragic hero that separates them in varieties. However, some of those characteristics show that both characters have and use similar thought processes and methods, which classify them as tragic heroes of their dramas. The five characteristics of a tragic hero ar e: nobilityRead More Comparing the Tragedies of Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman1023 Words   |  5 PagesComparing the Tragedies of Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman The tragedies Hamlet, Oedipus the King, and Death of a Salesman have strikingly different plots and characters; however, each play shares common elements in its resolution. The events in the plays’ closings derive from a tragic flaw possessed by the protagonist in each play. The downfall of each protagonist is caused by his inability to effectively cope with his tragic flaw. The various similarities in the closingRead More Tragedy In Drama Essay1713 Words   |  7 Pagesdramatic works from Agamemnon to Hamlet, one sees the range of development of the tragic form, from the earliest Greek to the later Shakespearean tragedies. There are two basic concepts of tragedy: the concept introduced by Aristotle in his Poetics, and the concept developed by Frederick Nietzsche in his quot;The Birth of Tragedy.quot; Many dramas can be reviewed to reveal the contrast between these two concepts of tragedy, and demonstrate the development of the tragic form over time. The idea ofRead MoreExamining the Tragic Protagonists of Oedipus Rex and Hamlet657 Words   |  3 Pagesfear on the part of the audience. Of all the characteristics of tragedy, one is most important: the tragic hero must be essentially admirable and good. In both the common tragedies, â€Å"Oedipus Rex† and â€Å"Hamlet†, both main characters are generally good. In either play, both Hamlet and Oedipus make a flaw that will cost them an extreme suffering, and in â€Å"Hamlet†, that concludes in many deaths. A tragic protagonist is usually one of noble authority, who upholds a position high in society. In a tragedyRead More William Shakespeares Hamlet and Sophocles Oedipus the King1362 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet and Sophocles Oedipus the King   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Though Shakespeares’ Hamlet and Sophocles’ Oedipus the King were written in two different eras, echoes of the latter can be found in the former. The common theme of Hamlet and Oedipus the King is regicide. Also, like in Oedipus the King, there is a direct relationship between the state of the state and the state of their kings. Furthermore, there is also a relationship between Oedipus’ armed entrance into the bedroom in whichRead MoreEssay on Oedipus and Hamlet1424 Words   |  6 PagesMariakakis Professor Mihailovic 5-14-01 Though Shakespeares Hamlet and Sophocles Oedipus the King were written in two different eras, echoes of the latter can be found in the former. The common theme of Hamlet and Oedipus the King is regicide. Also, like in Oedipus the King, there is a direct relationship between the state of the state and the state of their kings. Furthermore, there is also a relationship between Oedipus armed entrance into the bedroom in which Jocasta hanged herselfRead MoreThe Tragic Hero Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1599 Words   |  7 PagesRachel Conley Mr. David Rasnake English 1020 November 10, 2015 Paper 3~ Tragic Hero What is tragedy? What makes someone or something a tragic hero? A tragedy is â€Å"A serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior face and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion elicits the pity or terror† (Merriam-Webster). Tragedy can be a good or a bad thing in life. Also, depending on what the tragedy is, it should have a powerful impact on our lives. A tragedy can changeRead MoreHamlet Tragic Flaw Analysis1522 Words   |  7 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s Hamlet is considered one of the greatest tragedies ever written, and it has sparked a few controversial discussions amongst critics, the most intriguing topic being Hamlet’s ‘tragic flaw’. It was A.C. Bradley who popularised this concept of a ‘tragic flaw’ which was translated and based around Aristotle’s model of tragedy. He suggests that the reason Hamlet delayed the act of avenging his father’s murder was due to possessing a tragic flaw; the inability to act. Whereas, criticRead MoreTragic Hero1598 Words   |  7 PagesTragic Hero From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A tragic hero is a protagonist with a tragic flaw, also known as fatal flaw, which eventually leads to his demise. The concept of the tragic hero was created in ancient Greek tragedy and defined by Aristotle. Usually, the realization of fatal flaw results in catharsis or epiphany. The tragic flaw is sometimes referred to as an Achilles heel after the single fatal flaw of the Greek warrior Achilles. [citation needed] Aristotelian tragic

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Yahoo! Internal Analysis Free Essays

string(84) " uncertain as the technology develops and new unforeseen advertising media emerges\." The Company When Yahoo! was founded in 1994 by Stanford Ph. D. students, David Filo and Jerry Yang, it began as their hobby and has evolved into a global brand that has changed the way people communicate with each other, find and access information, and make purchases. We will write a custom essay sample on Yahoo! Internal Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today, Yahoo! Inc. is the Internet’s leading global consumer and business Services Company, offering a comprehensive network of essential services for Web users around the globe as well as businesses of all sizes. As the first online navigational guide to the Web, Yahoo! www. yahoo. com) is the leader in traffic, advertising, household and business user reach. Yahoo! is also the most recognized and valuable Internet brand globally, reaching over 345 million unique users in 25 countries and 13 languages. The Only Place Anyone Needs To Go Find Anything, Communicate With Anyone, or Buy Anything Serving the world’s largest Web audience, Yahoo! remains focused on becoming increasingly essential to the lives of consumers. Starting with its comprehensive, hand-built directory as well as the popular My Yahoo! ervice, Yahoo! offers a broad and deep array of communications, commerce and content services in over 100 distinct properties that lead consumers to make Yahoo! their hom e on the Internet and wireless devices. Fitting the lifestyles of the mobile consumer, Yahoo! offers an increasing array of essential, personalized, localized and timely information on wireless devices, including wireless phones, two-way pagers and personal digital assistants. Committed to extending content and services beyond the desktop, Yahoo! as the largest global mobile audience and the greatest breadth of wireless products and services of any Web content provider. Becoming Increasingly Essential to Businesses Enterprises Worldwide As the No. 1 Internet network on corporate desktops, surpassing a 70 percent reach in the U. S. workplace, Yahoo! also offers a range of services for businesses and enterprises of all sizes. Corporate Yahoo! is an information portal solution that enables companies to communicate and interact directly with their employees, customers and shareholders over a secure and scalable platform. Yahoo! Broadcast Services is the leading provider of Internet audio and video streaming solutions for corporate and consumer communications, delivering thousands of live and on-demand, corporate events including: product launches, marketing programs, training/distance learning, keynote addresses, annual shareholder meetings, and quarterly earnings calls. Yahoo! ‘s Small Business services enable small businesses and professionals to establish and grow a business presence with services such as Yahoo! Domains, Yahoo! Website Services, Yahoo! Servers and Yahoo! Store. An industry leader in online advertising, Yahoo! ffers an integrated set of marketing services through Yahoo! Fusion Marketing that unite Yahoo! ‘s media, e-commerce, direct marketing, broadcast, and communication tools to allow clients to find any audience, connect with anyone, and sell anything. Yahoo! ‘s data driven services provide unparalleled targeting and measurement capabilities far beyond banners, clicks , and conversions. Customized to integrate clients’ traditional marketing programs online, Yahoo! Fusion Marketing programs generate greater customer acquisition and retention, extended brand value, and increased sales in today’s global marketplace. SWOT Analysis The external environment includes all the factors outside the organization which provide opportunities or pose threats to the organization. The internal environment refers to all the factors within an organization which impart strengths or cause weakness of a strategic nature . The environment in which an organization exists can be, therefore defined as the opportunities and threats operating in the external environment apart from the strengths and weakness existing in the internal environment. A systematic approach to understand the environment of Yahoo is the SWOT analysis. Internal Factor Analysis (IFA) of the Yahoo Corporation Strengths The strength is an inherent capacity which an organization uses to gain a strategic and competitive advantage. The strengths of Yahoo Corporation are: * Yahoo! ‘s Overture is a tremendously profitable Internet advertising business. It focuses on affiliate advertising for large advertising accounts, in the same way as Google’s Adsense programme. This is an important income stream for Yahoo!. * Yahoo! has over 500 million users of its services and solutions. This makes it a very powerful marketing company, with a very well known brand. Some reports indicate that it is the most popular website in the World. A key long-term strength is Yahoo! ‘s international business presence. As the Internet expands and it is adopted by more nations the opportunities for Internet brands begin to emerge. Yahoo! is well placed to take advantage of these opportunities with its strategic business units in Asia, Europe and Australia. * The Yahoo! Directory is an original source of structured information. It has built over the last decade, and unlike mainstream search engines, its content is moderated (i. e. sites are vetted before their inclusion). Weaknesses: A weakness is an inherent limitation or constraint which creates strategic disadvantages for the company. It is overdependence on a single product line, which is potentially risky. The weaknesses of Yahoo are: * As per Jan 2012 data, a survey says yahoo’s market share in search engine is only 6% * Google already has more than 50% market share and the immediate competitors are Baidu which has same 6% and bing has 4% in search engine * Google being the leading the service provider on the internet , is grabbing the revenues from advertisements * Most of the services provided by Yahoo are unknown in the internet space. * Yahoo is ranked 5th in visitors among video sites. YouTube was first owned by Google. There has been near about 3 % slump per year in Yahoo’s image search. * Google search results produce double revenues as compared to Yahoo. * Yahoo is losing its market share in mailing services very gradually due to Google’s strong presence in search engine market and it related product portfolio complementing to search engine services * For Yahoo, differentiation is difficult. Almost all of its services are available from other sources such as Mail services, news, shopping, financial data and business directory services are provided by many others like MSN, CNN, e-bay, Money control etc. The future of Yahoo is uncertain as the technology develops and new unforeseen advertising media emerges. You read "Yahoo! Internal Analysis" in category "Papers" * Financial health of the company is not so promising for the investors. The company’s assets both in terms of intangible and tangible are on the declining side. Matching analysis Match the external factors against th e internal factors of YAHOO! Opportunities| Threats| * Internet video advertising spending expected to increase by 82% to $610 million by 2009. * Yahoo! Inc has purchased Flickr. * Broadband expansion. * Yahoo! as a strong and talented employee base. * Yahoo! has penetrated markets that are still untouched by competitors. | * Google commands about 50% of all online searches and Yahoo! has only 24% according to Neilson/NetRating. * Consumer attitudes towards online advertising may become more negative. * Increasing strength of competitors. * Social websites such as MySpace and Facebook are now breaking into the online advertising market. * Google is surpassing Yahoo! in revenues. | Strengths| Weaknesses| * Yahoo! Inc. has beaten Google in the mobile market. * Yahoo! Inc. has many more auxiliary products compared to the competition. * Yahoo! Inc. has strong brand recognition. * Partnerships with MLB, VISA and NFL. * Access is available to anyone with internet access. | * Yahoo! is ranked 5th in visitors among video sites. YouTube which is owned by Google is ranked 1st. * Yahoo! image search has been declining 3% per year. * Google search results generate twice as much revenue as Yahoo!. * Advertising revenues are falling due to Google and other competitors in the market. | Alternative strategies or Recommendations It is clear that the Yahoo Corporation has faced some major challenges in staying on top of the Internet market. It is suggested that the corporation should continue to grow its customer base. The corporation can grow its customer base by successfully capturing the international market. In addition, Yahoo can enlarge its target customer statistics by including customers outside the age group of 18-34 like people of above 55 years. Yahoo has to distinguish itself from the rest of its competitors in the Internet market in order to successfully accomplish these objectives. The alternative strategy that the Yahoo Corporation can adopt is: Capturing the international market: In capturing the international market, Yahoo has been comparatively unsuccessful. Though, Yahoo provides its services in a variety of languages but it has been unable to contend with national companies of other countries. For example, in China, Yahoo holds less than 5% of the total Chinese market share. The majority of the China market is dominated by Chinese search engine known as Baidu. com. In August 2005, Google, the American rival has captured a significant portion i. . approximately 33% of the Chinese market. Moreover, near about 71. 3% of the overall international market has been captured by Google. Some of this percentage was grabbed from Yahoo. Yahoo must ensure that internet access is available to its target market in order to strategically grow its customer base. If the target market does not have the means or ability to access services, Yahoo will not be successful. It is important for Yahoo Corporation to capture international customers during the exposure to the Internet. This can create a comfort-zone for its new users. Yahoo also, should become familiar with the likes, dislikes, habits and other characteristics of each niche of the international market. The company should use appropriate marketing channels to create the demand in international market. The marketing techniques like sales promotion, advertising, publicity, etc. will work more effectively to capture international market. Expanding the target market: To become successful, it is important for the Yahoo Corporation to expand its target market. It is important that Yahoo tries to capture those who are its first-time Internet users. Through partnerships with telecommunications providers and cable companies, Yahoo should work to become a primary part of a new Internet service package. Yahoo can successfully get new web users to begin their Internet use. The users use the internet because it allows them to communicate with their friends and family members who are separated geographically. Furthermore, people like the Internet because it allows them to find information and items that they can’t find elsewhere. With this demographic, travel, leisure and financial information tend to be popular. Yahoo should promote its different offerings in publications and media to achieve the best reach and to focus on the particular areas. Yahoo should publicize itself as a source of health information as well as a site that provides travel information for those who plan for retirement. Yahoo should portray itself as a portal of information. Differentiation: To remain competitive, Yahoo should adopt and initiate new projects. The company should begin as a search engine and expand its offerings by including finance, personals and hot Jobs and other activities. For example, Yahoo has realized that the potential users of Yahoo music consequently acquire a significant share of the online music industry. The ability to differentiate itself from its competitors is the main reason for the success of Yahoo. To promote new products, Yahoo is able to take advantage of its brand equity and its large user base. Yahoo should not limit itself to fixed media sites. Yahoo should attempt to commence a multimedia Internet project called runner. This video-intensive and web-based reality TV project will focus on a fugitive crisscrossing the country. Yahoo Corporation should also expand its Internet-based market to compete against traditional media. Conclusion Thus, it is concluded that in the dynamic Internet market, Yahoo is a strong and relatively established company. Its core competence includes focus on young adult users, regularly improving fixed web sites, driving advertising revenue and encouraging employees to be practical. All this points have been a formula for its success. Yahoo must apply aggressive strategies and maintain healthy financial statement to remain competitive. It is important that Yahoo carefully review all these strategies and examine the timing of its initiatives. The company can achieve its target and growth by hiring competent managers and experienced consultants as well as by remaining focused on its core competencies. By maintaining the strategies, Yahoo will be able to position itself to become a leader in the race for multimedia domination. An understanding of the external environment in terms of opportunities and threats and the internal environment in term of strengths and weaknesses is important for the existence, growth and profitability of Yahoo Corporation. How to cite Yahoo! Internal Analysis, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Tree Planting Project free essay sample

Dissemination Plan will be developed by staff to guarantee the systematic collection of information about the operation of the project and provide the basis for sharing information with other similar projects. Staff/ Administration The Project will employ three full-time and three part time staff. Project Coodinator (full time, paid)- Responsible for hiring project staff, overseeing project evelopment and operation, establishing and maintaining links with local Responsible for establishing the community Center, developing working relationships with formal and informal community leaders, establishing links to community youth organizations, and scheduling of project activities. 0 Volunteer Coordinator (full time, unpaid) Responsible for recruiting youth volunteers, establishing and maintaining training programs for volunteers, scheduling volunteers for service at the project area. The Volunteer Coordinator will have a background in forestry. 0 Project Evaluator (part time, paid) Responsible for collecting entry level (baseline) data regarding youth I. G. A information and conducting periodic assessment of changes in their level of knowledge, comprehension, and application of that information. We will write a custom essay sample on Tree Planting Project or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also responsible for developing and implementing a system for periodic formative evaluation of the work of the volunteers. The successful implementation and expansion of this project is expected to create a state of self reliability and enable beneficiaries know in details, the importance of through community participation. The majority of the population will adhere to improve household income, acquire basic needs and have livelihood improved in the community due to this project.