Friday, February 14, 2020

Alternative Dispute Resolution( ADR)Clause Assignment

Alternative Dispute Resolution( ADR)Clause - Assignment Example All attempts will need to be made before approaching the professor to act as an arbiter for the case. However once the professor is involved in the case, there can be no contesting the decision and the decision will be considered to be final. Negotiation is where the parties will work together to resolve an issue or dispute which might arise from the learning team meetings or the team work efforts, among themselves. The negotiation can be set out by means of a written request to bring out the issue of the dispute, controversy or the claim and the solution suggested or requested. There is a faith of goodwill that ensures that the parties will abide by the proceedings and the settlement that is got from the negotiated proceedings. In case any of the parties is not satisfied by the result of the negotiation, then the professor will be introduced to perform arbitration. Mediation will be conducted when the issue is between two members of the team. Here the two members will choose one person as the mediator and this individual will be responsible to make the decision for the dispute (Nolan-Haley, 2008). Here the two parties and the mediator will meet to discuss the issue and the possible solutions. The mediator will be a third party with no common interest in the matter. The mediator will have to make the decision for the issue. This can be contested and again the professor will be brought in for arbitration. Arbitration will be conducted by the professor, in the case where the negotiation and mediation do not provide satisfactory results. Here the professor will meet both parties and will need each of them to provide in writing the dispute and the solution that has been got from the previous proceedings (i.e. mediation or negotiation) (Ware, 2007). Once this is got the two parties and the professor will meet and a discussion will proceed where the two parties will state their views

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The feminization of the Community Correction Work force by Jo G Case Study

The feminization of the Community Correction Work force by Jo G. Holland - Case Study Example The research problem of this research article is whether there is balance in the community corrections work force. The study used a number of questions to facilitate a systematic enquiry into the aforementioned research problem. The first question touches on the roles women have been given while participating in the corrections workforce. The second question enquires into the barriers that women have faced while pursuing careers in the corrections work force. The third question looks into how women counter barriers while engaged in the correctional work force. Support systems that provide opportunities for the enhancement of careers are the object of the fourth question. The last question is on the opportunities that the future holds for women to grow within the community corrections work force (Holland, 2008). This study’s data analysis used mean and percentages. For example, the average age of women working in the Virginia community correctional workforce is 35 years. Besides age, location is another demographic factor checked for in the analysis include in terms of whether urban or rural. The positions that the analysis considered are deputy and chief probation and parole officer and that of the administrator. The analysis considered the elements of ethnicity and population status (minority or not). This analysis also enquired whether respondents received mentorship or not. The need for networking among the women working in Virginia DOC was assessed. The analysis measured the percentage of women who received support from other women while participating in the correctional workforce. The study checked for the highest positions that women in the correctional workforce expected (Holland, 2008). The author makes a number of conclusions. She concludes that the correctional work force needs to be expanded in order to augment organizational processes. The