Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Vocabulary Strategies For Teachers And Parents - 5588 Words

Vocabulary is one of the core components of reading instruction that is essential to successfully teaching children how to read. Vocabulary knowledge is important because it encompasses all the words we must know to access our background knowledge, express our ideas, communicate effectively, and learn about new concepts. Vocabulary is the glue that holds stories, ideas and content together, making comprehension possible for children. A student’s word knowledge is linked strongly to academic success because students who have strong vocabularies can understand new ideas and concepts more quickly than students with limited vocabularies (Hart Risley, 2003). The correlation between word knowledge with reading comprehension indicates that if students are not steadily expanding their vocabulary and reading comprehension, the student’s motivation to want to read will be affected. I have chosen to write this article about vocabulary strategies for both teachers and parents beca use I have personally experienced the undeveloped vocabulary strategies being used within the home and schools. The truth of this topic is that there is a huge gap between good vocabulary and bad vocabulary strategies and instruction within our schools and homes today. It is imperative that students begin to get vocabulary instruction starting at the infancy stage so they can begin to build their receptive and expressive vocabularies. Later in my article, you will read about the gap between high and lowShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Teachers For African American Students797 Words   |  4 PagesAfter conducting the interviews and analyzing the data I have to come to the conclusion that it takes every stakeholder, parents, teachers, and administrators, to be involved for African American students to be successful. We can no longer point the blame at one party. 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